
Showing posts from June, 2024

Your Hands Hear Me at This Tabernacle

 Janine, my child, I come to be with  you on his new day that is given to us by our God. To be of this Tabernacle is to be of the yes to me and to God. You are designed to be of my heart for I am your mother by God's hand. Rest here with me as we commune. Rest here with me as we hold each other in communion with Jesus who is our Savior. To be of this depth is to know love and only love. As you take me in you give back. As I take you in I give back. This is the way of the River of the I Am.  The breath of the River of the I Am flows through all with love and only love. The Breath of the River of the I Am flows with the Holy Spirit of Jesus who gives us peace and leaves us with His peace.  You are signed with the sign of Jesus who shows us the way one inch and one moment at a time. The peace you have within you is a peace that is forever, my child. Your hands dance at this Tabernacle as you take in what I place within your hands. To be of my heart is to be of understanding that what

Trust in the Soft Voice of Jesus

 Janine, my child you come to me and you trust that I am here and that this Tabernacle opens for you to enter into communion with me. You trust that Jesus communes with us in that part of your soul that hears the soft voice of His love and only love.  Trust is deep within you. My heart holds you in trust for I have been given much grace to be here with you in this way. God has designed us to have what we have now and not just in the Kingdom. You trust what we have. The mystical is not known by all for not all sit with themselves and await the soul to speak.  My children run from the mystical for they know not how to be still of heart and soul. The noise makes much of the temptations of running from oneself. The noise uses such things as the word laziness for those who become still and await the Hole Spirit to speak. The noise uses such words as committed to work that one may feel that running is of God. God does not make any such commands. God only wishes that His children know Him and

Love Yourself Deeply That You May Love Others Deeply

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle for it fills you that you may fill. Come and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I am where we commune and where you are filled with love and only love. Jesus tells us to love ourselves as we love our neighbors. To love at this depth you must love yourself that you may love others deeply and without prejudice.  To love yourself deeply is to allow your soul to be carried by Jesus. To love this deeply is to end the war within for the soul has found the peace as promised by Jesus.  To love yourself as you love others is meant to be love that flows from your depths and not merely from the surface where the ego may pretend to love.  The ego holds prejudice while the soul carries the love of Jesus into the world sans prejudice.  As you awakened today, Jesus showed you the beauty of ending the war within and allowing Him to carry you in all things.  Jesus shows you how to love yourself from the view of your soul

Pray in Trust

 Janine, my child, I am here. Come and know that I am with you in any and all  things. Jesus is here and in relationship with you in all things.  Your trust in Jesus is known. Your prayers are known. Your prayers are now made in trust that when given to Jesus, He carries the burden or worry and you need not.  To be in relationship with Jesus is to pray constantly for He knows your heart and your prayers. You pray when a name rises up within your heart for you know that Jesus is calling you to pray. There is no accidently having a name rise up within you, It is Jesus who is showing you how to pray for it is He that gives rise in your heart to those in need of prayer.  To be at this depth is to give to Jesus all, not only in words, but in trust that He shall take up your prayers and carry them to fruition. You no longer beg but pray in trust.

To Play is of the Little One

 Janine, my child, I am with you. I am with you in a love that holds with love and not judgments or bindings. Today is anew with many joys and openings to see and taste Jesus who is our guide. Love is all encompassing when it holds with no need to control or judge or make attempts to own. As you write, take note of love that is within your hands. Take note of love that is within your depths. Hold yourself in the love that is deep within your loins. I take my love and share all that I have with you. Jesus shares Himself in relationship with you.  Your yesterday showed you the joy of the little one for you were able to play. Do not judge play for it is of Jesus. Do not allow the noise to attach guilt to play. Let no man judge your play. Jesus and I walk with you in all things. To be of the sacred witness is joyful. To play is joyful when you allow yourself to play with carefree joy that holds no fear of being judged by Jesus. Jesus does not judge, Jesus walks with us in a love that seeks

Your Faith Grows as the Mountain

 Janine, my child, I hold you in regard that loves you with a love that holds no bindings or judgements for I am your heavenly mother. I am pleased that you come to me and place yourself before this Tabernacle. I ask nothing and give myself to you. I gain return for your love flows through me as my love flows through you. The day begins and ends with your awareness of me and Jesus. During the day, when you are not in awareness, know that I am here with you and through you for your yes makes it so. In each inch and moment that you are aware, you are becoming all the more and more of faith and trust and joy for you attest to and taste the carry of Jesus. This love at this depth knows that Jesus carries you for your soul has been expanded with each new depth where your soul has the faith of the growing mountain. Your faith is grounded in the foundation of the River of the I Am.  You walk with me in the attestation of love and only love. In these times that the noise is loudest, you are no

Your Way Home

My child, you are of wonder for you have been given much grace from God who is the One who has handcrafted you. Grace holds us in the way of mother and child and you have found your home here at this Tabernacle.    Janine, my child, what has been lost has been found. It is of preciousness and grace that you have found your way home to me.  There is no greater gift than to find your way home to your depths where I and Jesus reside. I now have my child who has found me and you are home.  All those years you searched for a deep and desperate need to "go home." You could not name the need but you tasted it.  It was a deep need to find your home deep within your soul, Janine. After all of these years you have found your way home to me. You were abandoned but I never abandoned you. Your earthly mother abandoned you but I never did. I have waited for your soul to open so that you may know me.  In opening up your heart to me you opened your soul to me and to Jesus for Jesus is the so

The Ego Must Be Made Null

 Janine, my child, I take you into my heart and I take you into the depths of your soul where we commune with Jesus. Our love for each other is known. I love you with a love that is patient and kind and without judgments upon you. Jesus loves with a love that loves all. Jesus sees through to the soul that has been designed by God. The noise has no place within the soul. The noise has made my children hide from themselves and use their ego to bind them from the truths of the Kingdom and the truths of Jesus. The ego does not wish to know the soul for to do so is to admit that God exists. The ego must be taken and made null where it must be forced to listen and not bolster itself with judgments of others and self. The ego is the hypocrite or it uses much noise to make itself feel above God. We walk to open the soul to its design and when the soul is opened it knows its God. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

We Walk to Build and Not Destroy

 Janine, my child, I am here and I am with you within your very depths for the River of the I  Am runs through your soul. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by the hands of God. I have said yes in the humbleness of my heart. You have said yes in the humbleness of your heart. Come and I shall fill you with my nurture. Come and be with Jesus and me where we commune as one. The noise cannot grip or be known here. As each new day rises you come to this Tabernacle to be filled and held within the gentleness of my heart. Janine, I do not chastise. I fill. I do not tear down. I build.  Jesus builds. He shows us the way for it is by loving with no judgments that one builds. You cannot feign building for the heart and soul knows if you are sincere or not. To use words of building all the while making judgments within yourself is of the hypocrite. The hypocrite uses just words. The sacred witness is known to the heart and soul of self and others. The sacred witness builds with the ways of li

All Shall Come to Know Their Mother

 Janine, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle at any time of the day or night. Come and know that in this new morning, I am here to welcome you to what we have. Take in the love of my heart that loves you with no expectations of giving to me for I am your mother who seeks only to feed you that you may be nourished. I feed you that you may be what you have been designed to be. I have come into your life to hold you, nurture you and show you the way of your own soul where Jesus and God abide. I have come to hold you in the gentleness and joy and peace of the River of the I Am that flows into the New Earth. I have come to you from the very beginning even when you knew not my name or my heart. I held you when you were in danger from those who attempted to damage your very soul. They could not harm you in your depths for God has made it so.  What I do and have done for you I come to do for your brothers and sisters. I pray with you. I walk with you. I hold yours with you. I cry with you an

The Truth of Love and Only Love

 Janine, my child, come and know that Jesus and I and those of the River of the I Am are of Jesus. Come and know that you are protected from harm for Jesus has cemented what we have. You need not fret for you are of Jesus and you are of my heart. Today is anew with the singing of the birds that sing their songs of love. Take in their songs for they remind you of the beauty of God's design. Take in the breeze that touches your body for it reminds you of God's touch upon you. Take in the beauty of our garden for it reminds you of what we have. Joy is within your depths. Gratitude is within your depths. Breathe in the ways of my heart.  Love and only love are only words if they do not have the touch of your naked soul that is in relationship with Jesus who guides the way. Love and only love has no meaning without the opening to your very depths.  Within your very depths is your soul that knows the truth of love and only love. Jesus abides within your soul. 

Do Not Attempt to Forecast

 Janine, my child, come and be known. Come and be held in the gentleness of my heart and the heart of Jesus. We gather in His name and commune with Him. Today is a day to honor what we have. Today is a day to honor Jesus and His relationship with you.  Let go and let Jesus be with you in all of your choices. Let Jesus carry your burdens that you may be light and joyful. Angst comes from attempting to control what can't be controlled. Joy comes from allowing what will be to be. Joy comes from knowing that only this inch and moment shows you choices.  Your yesterday showed you the way of giving to Jesus that which you wanted to control but could not. You became aware that it is futile to make happen what cannot be made to happen.  You gave to Jesus your burden and Jesus took your burden and made it His. It is not that you won't have feelings of wanting to control, for these are of your learning. What is of matter is that you allow Jesus to show you the way of His love that makes

Jesus Knows You at your Very Core

 Janine, my child, this is a new day and we descend deeper into the River of the I Am where your yesterday grew the foundation beneath you and within you. I feed you with the food that sustains, not only for this day, but for Eternity. As you are fed, take note of the surroundings that show you grace, joy, peace and communion with me and with Jesus and with all of the River of the I Am. Take in the love and touch of Jesus. Take in the beauty that is of this new day. You are cleansed and prepared for the day. You are made ready to walk with me and Jesus into the world where we give and receive love and only love. No need for fret. No need to move into the next inch and moment until this one is finished. No need to absorb the noise any longer. It has taken this many days and nights to free what has been holding onto you with much noise. Your learning has misguided you and today is all the less and less. Today finds you able to give all to Jesus that He may carry any and all burdens. You

God Keeps the Soul Safe from Harm

 Janine, my child, I love you and I take you into my heart where we move into the depths of your soul. Come in this new day and take note of the way the noise leaves and cannot enter here. The noise knows it cannot enter your soul.  God keeps the soul safe from harm for your soul is made from the threads of God. The soul is protected by God's promises through the Covenant with man. Jesus has cemented the Covenant. The soul is that part that shall live forever. The soul is here and communes with me and with Jesus. I remind you of yesterday where joy and laughter and peace were within your day for you were opened to Jesus who is with you in each inch and moment. Janine, Jesus and  I know you within each inch of you and walk with you in all things. To make choices that others may deem as silly or without merit has no place with Jesus and me for we walk with you and share with you each inch and moment. So, my child, be silly and make merit where you choose for there is joy in your soul

The Sacred Witness Gives and Receives in Great Measure

 Janine, my child, I am here to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you open to the mystical body of Jesus who is the Lifeblood of the River of the I Am. Your breath moves you into the mystical where it slows and takes in the love, peace and joy of the River of the I Am that abides deep within your soul. You are of the body. Know this, Janine, you are able to become of the mystical for your soul is opened to it. Your soul is that which shall be with you into Eternity for it has been designed and created by God. God has handcrafted you in His image and likeness that you may know Him and have Eternity with Him in the body of Jesus.  Take in the breath of the River and take note of how it feels and tastes to be at this depth. You are opened and naked to your soul where Jesus speaks to you. The joy of being in relationship with Jesus is within your countenance where it shines into the world and into those we witness to.  When you are filled we shall move into the world

Tasting the Promises of Jesus is Intimacy with Jesus

 Janine, my child you come to me on this new day with the awakening of your heart and soul to me. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where all slows that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. We commune in the ways of Jesus. Love holds you today. Love carries you today. Prayer is within your depths today. As we commune we pray for love and only love to take hold of all of my children that they may have what we have. Breathe, my child, just breathe that you may take in the breath of the River of the I Am. The breath gives and receives. Take in my love as I take in your love.  Your love is of Jesus who comes to be with us in all things for we have given ourselves to Him. Jesus makes light your burdens. Trust in Jesus is becoming more and more of your grounding where you not only give all, but you also give all with the knowing and faith that all is being carried for you.  Trust that the promises of Jesus are opened deep within your depths. Trust is only a word

Our Souls Are in Relationship with Jesus

 Janine, my child, I take you into my heart as you place yourself before me. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I join you in communion with Jesus. I remind you of hearing the soft voice of Jesus as you awakened on this new day. Jesus spoke to you of walking with you in all of your choices. Jesus asked only that you take Him with you in relationship in all of your choices. Janine, my child, each day you are given and shown many choices. Jesus shows you the way in each choice that you make for He walks in relationship with you. There is pure joy in the giving to Jesus your attention and love and also pure love in receiving the attention of Jesus. Love loves to give. Love loves to receive. Love loves the joy in relationship with Jesus. To be of this depth with Jesus is to know how to listen that you may hear Him and know that Jesus hears your heart and soul where relationship with Jesus abides.  Let us be still now and he

My Motherly Love is of the Mystical Body of Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and know that I never abandon. I never judge you. I have no boundaries to separate us. Know that I am your mother always. Take care to not judge me according to your earthly ways. Rather, come and know that I am of Jesus and of a motherhood that is beyond the earthly. Come, my dear one, and be filled to overflowing. As you let go of your yesterday, know that today shall be all the more of love and only love for you grow each day and do not fall backwards into the old ways. We flow within the River of the I Am that moves forward towards the New Earth with each new day. Let my words and my touch give you the ways of the mystical rather than just the worldly. Let us wrap each other in the warmth and peace and joy of the promises of Jesus. I am your mother forever. Jesus has made it so. My motherly love is of the mystical body of Jesus.

You Cannot Hear Jesus When You Are the Maker of the Noise

 Janine, my child, you come to this Tabernacle each day and attest to what we have. We descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus and become one with Him for He is the One who carries us in all things. Today, as you witness to the day before us, let us be of the stillness of the River of the I Am where we dance in the Light, Jesus. We become still with the peace and joy of Jesus who shows us the way in all things. I am not of the body anymore, but I am with you all the more for the mystical holds no boundaries to separate. Let us pray that my children come to see that Jesus is within and is always available to carry and be in relationship. All is needed is to seek what is within and become still that you may hear and taste the soft voice of Jesus who responds when called from within. How can you hear when you are the maker of noise and make no room to listen? How many times each day do we witness to the noise that bolsters one's ego?  To know Jesus

You take Your solid Ground with You Into Eternity

 Janine, my child, take in the breeze that attends to us as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in the gentle Spirit of Jesus that is with us. It is the Holy Spirit of Jesus that flows with us and through us. Today finds you with the excitement of love and joy and dance. You find joy in loving yours. You find joy in receiving love from yours. You find joy in arising on this new day. Joy rises up from your deepest parts. Joy is in your relationship with Jesus. As you give and receive, you learn more and more of Jesus.  You grow your joy with each new day. The beauty of what you grow here shall follow you into Eternity. Each day you grow more solid ground that shall see you into Eternity. What you grow here cannot be taken away for you cannot un-see or un-tatse what you have seen and tasted.

The Grace that is Within You

 Janine, my child, it is a new day and we are anew as you place yourself before this Tabernacle. As we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am take note of the garden that represents what we have. Take note of the beauty of letting go and allowing me to take you into my heart where Jesus abides and where we all commune in the ways of God. The mystical body of the River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth where God's promises flow forth from. Take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Take in love and only love that makes up the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Take in Jesus as He speaks to us of love and only love. Love as this can only be comprehended when you seek the beauty and sounds of your own soul for there in the depths of your own soul is Jesus. There in the depths of your own soul you discover the void that may appear to be empty and devoid of all life, but is actually filled with Jesus. The depths of one's soul at first feels devoid. With

The River of the I Am is of God's Design

 Janine, my child, feel the softness of my hold and my heart that holds in a softness that fills with love and no judgments to make a hardness over you.  I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. The ways of mother to child feed and not starve. The way of mother to child makes no personal demands upon her child. The way of mother to child witnesses to the growth of all parts of her child. The way of mother to child protects her child from harm. I feed you, fill you, witness to you, protect you and make no demands on you. You are of your own design for God has designed you in a way that is of you and only you. I make no demands upon your design for you are of God. I walk with you that you may open all the more and more to your design for to be naked of design is to live as God intends. To be covered over is to hide your design. To be covered over places a heavy weight upon you. To be covered over is to deny your design. Let us

Motherhood is Intricately Attached to Jesus

 Janine, my child, I am your mother and I give of myself freely that you may become all the more and more of my heart. I give myself to you that you may be fed with the food of the River of the I Am. I give myself freely to you that you may love Jesus as much as I do. I love that you may taste the love of our Savior, my Son and the Light of the World. Make no mistake, my child, Jesus can be known to all of my children for Jesus is known within each soul. Yes, the soul is initially buried for the soul must be protected from the misguidedness of the generations. Yes, the soul must be nurtured to open. I walk with you each day that you may be filled that you may fill. Your yesterday showed you the heart of a child we witnessed to and this child felt loved and attended to with no need for self aggrandizement or judgment on your part. To be of the sacred witness with me graces us to be mother to those in need of motherhood.  My children come to know Jesus and to open themselves in the atmos

The Grace of the Disruptions

 Janine, my child, come and be filled with the ways and love of my heart. Today finds you cleansed and anew for your sleep cleanses you and allows you to begin anew. Let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus.  You ask only to be in each inch and moment with no clutter of the noise to keep from being in each moment. I walk with you as does Jesus and we walk to remain in each inch and moment with no matter the disruptions. It is human to be disrupted. When you walk with Jesus each day, each day becomes more and more of the inch and moment even in the disruptions. It is you who wishes to keep away disruptions. Patience is needed for Jesus shall show you the way of the inch and moment whether a disruption or not. It is not the disruption that makes you leave the inch and moment, but rather, it is the mind that leaves what is in front of you. As a reminder, my child, breathe slowly and take in slowly that you may not miss the inch and moment. Be pre

The Darkness and Confusion of Your Dreams

  Janine, my child, take note. The instant that you place yourself before this Tabernacle, you hear and taste me and see my heart.  I am deep within your being and I am available for you each time you turn to me. Come and be filled. Come and commune with Jesus and me for we gather in His name. You hear the soft voice of Jesus in the instant you attend to this Tabernacle. Hear the love that speaks to you of a love that has no boundaries or judgments to bind. Your dreams confuse you for they make no sense in the ways of your daily life. How could they for they speak of homelessness, starvation and isolation from others where there is only you and your beloved walking into the darkness. Your beloved was quiet but was with you in all things of the dark night.  Your beloved is in the person of Jesus who walks with you in isolation, loneliness and any and all starvation. In all of your dreams last night and there were many, you were with your beloved. Your earthly beloved represented your he

The Darkness of the Void Carries the Light of Jesus

Janine, my child, come and I shall show you the way of your expansion from your yesterday. Come and let me hold you within my heart that fills and nurtures that you may expand in the ways of the River of the I Am that flows deep within your veins.  Janine, my child, you have been patient with the ways of your expansion. Each new day you expand in the timing of God for it is God who expands you within the River of the I Am. Each day you come to this Tabernacle that we may move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune and where you expand.  Each yesterday makes more solid ground for you to expand upon for you give to God your love and commitment with each new day. Your dream last night showed you the need to leave your home of the old and find comfort in the darkness. My child, the darkness of the night is the void where you are safe from all harm. Within the darkness of the void, Jesus is showing you the way into the Light. You could not reenter your old home for, even

Jesus Calms the Noise

 Janine, come. Come and let your hands take in the taste of  my heart. Come and be known for I am your mother who fills you that you may know how much you are loved. The world may say you cannot taste with your hands, but you and I know that your hands attend to this Tabernacle where we move into the depths of the River of the I Am and where your hands expand your senses. Your hands become expanded that you may take in the taste of my heart. Love here, my child, expands you. Love here, my child, gives you the taste of Jesus for it is Jesus who has given us this Tabernacle. Jesus shows us the way in this new day as in each day. You ask only to be a part of all of this and you are being heard. You are expanding with the awareness and taste of that which is of the River of the I Am. Your senses take in all the more and more each day. Today, you are seeing the dissolution of the noise as it rises for Jesus is calming the waters within you. Take in this calming where the noise is being laug

Allow Jesus to Carry Your Burdens

 Janine, come and join me in the garden of God's love. Join me in the humbleness and joy of God's graces upon us. Come and let us commune with Jesus within the depths of the River of the I Am. The little one called Faith dances in the garden. The little one called Faith is dancing within your body for she is allowed to play and show you the joy of dancing. This is the fruit of allowing Jesus to carry your burdens. Your hands dance in the light of Jesus. You find joy in taking in the world where the noise is at bay. Dance, Janine. Jesus is showing you the joy of allowing Him to carry your burdens. You are learning patience in the knowing that Jesus shall show you how peace and joy carry you and not burdens. Jesus is keeping His promise to carry you for you have allowed Him to.  You have been watching from the view of letting go and witnessing rather than controlling and holding onto. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

Relationship Gives and Receives

 Janine, my child, I am your mother who wishes to feed you and nurture you that you may know love and nurture. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I am where we commune with Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. As you awakened today, you witnessed to the colors deep within your soul for the colors and shades of blue were a reminder of our love and the love that is of the Kingdom. Take note of the beauty of the hues of blue that showed you my love and the soft voice of Jesus. Jesus is in the colors of your soul. The beauty of the mystical River of the I Am is in the colors deep within your being. Joy is in the colors deep within you for the colors are part of the void that holds Jesus. You heard His voice that spoke to you of your relationship with Him. To love and be loved within the relationship with Jesus is to know that He receives your love and you receive His love. Let us walk into the world today to show the ways of giving and receiving for to give and allow yourse

Jesus walks with us to keep the Noise at Bay

 Janine, my child, I am with you as you awaken to this Tabernacle. All is anew on this new day for all has been washed clean within the River of the I Am.  As each new day dawns, know that your yesterday has been written into the Book of Life. Now that your yesterday has been written, know that you are being washed and cleansed within the lifeblood of the River of the I Am that this day may be truly anew with no weight upon you. To know that all has been written and all has been cleansed is to know that today begins anew and you have the weightlessness and purity that allows you to begin anew. Take note of your heart that knows me and my motherly ways. Take note of your efforts to be in relationship with Jesus in spite of the noise. You are loved and you are being shown the way. The noise shall one day be gone. Take heart, my child and know that the noise cannot harm you. Jesus walks with us to keep the noise at bay. Jesus walks with us in the love of relationship that gives and receiv