
Showing posts from August, 2023

Listen to your Body That You May Honor God

 Janine, my child, let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we flow in the ways of mother and child and where we commune with Jesus.  The soft voice of Jesus speaks to you of what you have together. There is a walking together in a relationship that hears and listens with an attentive ear. It is of an intimacy that speaks with love and never a want to control.  I n your yesterday, Jesus spoke to you of a movement that would be self-sustaining and asked you to choose or not choose for Jesus never takes your choice away. Your yes or no would be loved and accepted but Jesus told you that to take care of yourself in that moment would ease the burden on your body. After you took care of your body, you were prepared to walk with others again in the joy of peace. Jesus was showing you how to listen to your body and to not ignore it for your body is precious and must be listened to and cared for in order to honor what God has given you. You were shown the beauty...

The Dying of the Old is Birthing New Energy

 Janine, my child, come and taste my love. Come, and as you let go of yourself, take in the love, joy, peace and beauty of this time and space. Feel the letting go of your body and the ways of the freeing in the letting go. Take in the scent of this holy space. Take in the song that has gained you awareness of your own depths. Take in the awareness that Jesus speaks to you of the ways of letting go and allowing Him to carry you in all things. In your dreams you gave acceptance to the letting go and allowing what must happen, happen knowing that you shall be taken care of.  In your dream you gave awareness to what must die within you and that is the awareness that the old is dying and you cannot go back to what was of the old. Your attempt to go back to the old could not be sustained for all parts of you learned to speak their truth. The energy of the old is decaying and dying and being replaced with the energy of newness.  In the next dream you became aware and accepted t...

No Need to Complicate what God Has Made Simple

  My child, fret not for I always come to you when you place yourself before this Tabernacle. This holy space awaits you for I am your mother and you are my child. This is the way of God's design for us. Come and let go, for in letting go you are left in my hands and my heart that holds you and feeds you. To hold on is to not give me your faith and trust. You let go each day for you know I am going to hold you. Faith and trust in me allows me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the intimacy of mother and child.  You ask of me only to feed you for my nurture sustains you. My words feed you. My heart feeds you. My anointing you gains you the grace of the River of the I Am for by your yes, I am graced to anoint you as mine. There are no complications here to confuse, just love. There are no expectations here to confuse what we have. Love is simple. Love makes no effort to bind, but rather, love frees you to be you in a wholeness and nakedness ...

Be Attentive to Your Very Depths

Janine, my child, put down all that you may enter this Tabernacle.  Do not fret the ways of the noise for what is clanging around you is noise. Come and open the joy and peace that is within you in your deepest parts for they are in communion with Jesus and me. To be opened in such depths is to taste that deep love that causes joy and a peace that is beyond the surface noise. To know Jesus at this depth is to know you are safe. To taste Jesus at this depth is to know love and only love flows between you and Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. You are never alone. Janine, my child, do not get yourself caught up in the tininess of the noise that causes chaos on the surface. Rather, my child, walk with Jesus and me in the attentiveness of your depths where peace and love and only love emanates from.  You do well to be of attentiveness to your very depths for there within your depths is your soul that knows God and the ways of the River of the I Am for the two were once one. L...

My Nurture Sustains You

 Janine, my child, let go of yourself and allow me to take you into this Tabernacle and into my heart. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we can be mother and child in the solitude of God's presence. Here, noise cannot enter. Here, love is absolute. Here, our hearts are of the purest Living Waters of the River of the I Am where you are fed and I am graced to be your mother. You cannot use judgments here for there is only love and it is pure for the River of the I Am clears all impurities that God's will may be done. You cannot judge yourself here for judgments are counter to God's love. You cannot judge others here for your heart is transformed into love as we commune. The noise on the surface is loud and attempts to make judgments upon others and even its very God. The noise attempts to have you believe it is of a holiness in its self righteousness to make right or wrong based on its own greed and want to be above its God.  For now in this inch and ...

Science: The Power of God's Design

 Janine, my child, I am here to take you into the depths of your own being that you taste my love and the boundless love of Jesus who is the Lifeblood of the River. As we go deeper and deeper each day, rather than feel any weight within these depths, you open and expand all horizons for there are no boundaries here to hide your view.  As you take in the deep breath here within these depths, you breathe with the expansion of the all of you. To be of this depth is to see the noise from afar where it lives on the surface of the River and never can become a part of the River. To see from afar is to see the egoistic hypocrite that uses judgment and the name of science to attempt to prove its self righteous statements. Jesus is science. The science of the hypocrite only sees itself and is not willing to place the ego in the rear where the truth of science may be seen. To see science from afar within the depths of the River is to see the love and power of God's design within the worl...

A Lesson in the Truth of Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and place yourself here before this Tabernacle that we may be as one. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be of my heart that holds you and feeds you. Take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am for they grow you in the ways of God's love for His people. Take in the lifeblood of Jesus who gives you calm against all storms. When the storm within you rises you turn to Jesus that you may be returned to His peace that calms all within you. Jesus takes you to the top of the highest mountain above all things to show you the view from far away that you might see His work without the bindings of the smallness of the Earth. Jesus shows you this view that you may see clearly and without the small but loud noise. Jesus shows you the way of the inch and moment that may appear small but is not for what may appear small to the world is large in God's world. The view from above all the noise shows the ways of man's ego tha...

The Concrete Barrier of the Ego

 Janine, my child, come and take in my love and the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and let us flow into the depths of the River where you become naked and free from the bindings of the surface noise.  I taste your joy that is in our communion. I take in your love for me and your life and yours. Jesus shows you His love in each inch and moment when you walk with Him in the intimacy of this deep relationship.  You touch Jesus and He touches you in the deepest parts of who you are and who He is. Yes, my child, there are those who touch and taste not what you touch and taste for they cannot move beyond the concrete barrier of their own ego.  Do not confuse the concrete barrier with science as some do. To hide behind the concrete barrier in the name of science is of the ego. To walk from the opened soul shows you the beauty of science where the ego is left behind and where Jesus shows the science that is true and real and not of those who wish to make scienc...

The Newness Of God's Promises

 Janine, my child, how graced we are to be one within this Tabernacle and one within the depths of the River of the I Am. How graced we are to be with the Light within the River of the I Am. Jesus is the Light and Lifeblood of the River of the I Am. I speak of you and to you. You are my child and I delight in you and what we have. You fret not when you are with me for we are mother and child and I hold you that you may lose all fret and fear that are of the surface and not the depths of the River of the I Am. For this time each day you are of the mystical only for we are deep within the depths of the River of the I Am. The noise cannot enter here. The noise is only of the worldly. The noise can only clang and shout from the surface. Janine, my child, there is a knowing that you are safe and loved and cleansed here with each new day for the old is washed with the cleansing waters of the Lifeblood River of the I Am. On the surface of the River it may appear to others to be just anoth...

Communion Between Souls is Far Beyond Words

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here with no matter the day or time. Come and be held and taste the freedom to just be in the nakedness of solitude where you join me in the depths of the River of the I Am. What has your yesterday taught you? I give you view of the witnessing that saw much grace for hearts and souls were opened. When you witness to one child at a time your souls can commune for the sacred witness holds dear the relationship that the child before us may taste safety and open its soul. What the outside world may see has little to do with what the inner world of the soul sees. You were able to hear the soft voice of Jesus teach you how to engage the soul of another in deeper and deeper ways.  You are learning the language of the soul where it invites the other to join in the communion that is far beyond words. You are learning that souls at times use no words to communicate for the communion between souls is far beyond words. 

The River is Replacing the Noise with Love

 Janine, my child, as you rise up and place yourself before this Tabernacle, know that whatever is within the noise upon your rising is being left behind as we slow all down and move into the depths of the River of the I Am in the holding of God's grace. We flow with gentleness and peace and with no bindings. I take in your breath and make it mine for we are one here within this holding. Within these depths we have what is beyond the noise. Take in the beauty of our flow. I take in your heart and I hear your heart and soul that longs to just love and be loved for this is the way of your depths. Love such as this has no expectations for a return. Love such as this is showing you how to care for yourself that is growing a wholeness of your depths where you are able to witness and care for others in the way of the sacred witness. Love such as this hears the soft voice of Jesus. Janine, in simplicity we hold each other for we are mother and child. In simplicity the River of the I Am bu...

Your Passion to Witness Feeds You

 Janine, my child, Come and place yourself before this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of mother and child for I am your mother by God's grace and hand. Come, and as you let go, take note of the ways of the letting go of all that is of the old and taking on the new.  I give you the beauty that is before us. I give you my love, attention and nurture that is anew. Your yesterday gave you much in the ways of beauty in each inch and moment. Today shall be alive with love within each inch and moment and by day's end you shall have seen and tasted the beauty and love of Jesus. You shall also bear witness to the pain and worry within the world within each inch and moment for love and pain walk together. You cannot separate and say pain cannot be of love for pain that is shared with the sacred witness is love.  Your heart has been designed to bear witness and to walk into the pain of those we witness to. This is love, my child. Again, I say to you that this grace is of yo...

Walk Slowly and with Attentiveness

 Janine, my child, I take you and hold you and nurture you. Come and be filled on this new day that you may know of my love. I love with no restrictions. I hold you in joy and pain and sorrow. Trust that you are never alone. Trust that you do nothing with ill intent. All is done in the name of love and of Jesus.  Judge not what your heart speaks for it is from deep within your depths that you hear and speak and feel and taste.  We begin this day anew. We love this day anew. You hear my words today and I hear your heart today anew. You need not hold for I hold. You need not fret for I take you and show you trust. Your fret is from fear and I show you the way of trust where fear dies.  To love as you love you must let go of the fear that is of the old. Trust is being rooted deeper into your depths by God's timing and your yes for the two are married.   Today, my child, let us walk slowly and with attentiveness in each inch and moment. It is in the attention t...

Jesus Speaks to You of What is Before You

 Good day, my child, I am here and I await your turning to me at this Tabernacle. Take the breath that lets go of the world and enter this Tabernacle. Come and be taken into my heart where we commune in grace and love.  Today is a day to be of the solitude of heart. Place yourself in solitude where you let go of all and await the soft voice of Jesus who speaks to you within the solitude of your heart. In solitude you allow Jesus to flow within your depths. When there is nothing to hold onto you are able to allow the flow to take us where Jesus abides. Jesus is the flow within you, Janine, Do not hold. Rather, let go. Jesus is the One who is deep within your soul where there are no bindings to stop the flow. Within this flow all you need do is take in and allow all to pass through you with no judgments.  Janine, my child, when you allow rather than attempt to hold and control, all becomes fodder for intimacy with Jesus for as you just allow, the soft voice of Jesus speaks ...

Your Tears Speak Loudly

 Janine, my child, I am here and I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle. We commune here within the River of the I am. As today rises, we move into the depths of the River where you are held and nurtured. Let go of yourself that you may be with me and where you hear and taste me. Today, you ask that this Tabernacle not be about you. You ask that it be about others. I hear you, my child, but this cannot be for this Tabernacle is of our special time and space. It is fear that speaks to you because you feel unworthy. This Tabernacle makes you worthy. The River of the I Am makes you worthy. Come and as I fill you, you shall be renewed in love and only love. What is of worry for you is what you wish to not speak of and yet it must be spoken of.  You cannot place yourself before others in the way of the sacred witness until you are renewed to do so. You give yourself over to me that I may fill you. We shall walk into the world to fill others soon enough. Your tears speak lo...

The Way of Trust and Prayer

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle. Over these years you have come to me in the humbleness of your heart.  I fill you with my love and my attention and holding.  This Tabernacle was once fearful for you knew not the ways of the mystical. Over these years you have come to trust what we have.  The mystical has been opened by your yes to me and to Jesus. I rejoice with you because you now know that what we have is forever. The small miracles of Jesus have shown you what you have with Jesus.  As we walk and witness to my children, we walk in the grace of prayer for each child witnessed to becomes a prayer. When you love without the ego that demands your attention,that attention is given in witness and becomes prayer.  When you can leave the noise and the ego behind, you become of prayer for prayer is the witnessing to what is before you with love and only love. Prayer is the want to see as Jesus sees for it is by His hand that all is accomplish...

Trust that Jesus is Answering Your Prayers

 Janine, trust. Trust in me and my Son. Trust in my love and trust that your prayers are being heard. Love has no judgments or bounds. Come and rest in the knowing that you are being heard.  I hear you, my child. I am your mother who prays for you and for her children with you. I pray for yours with you. You pray with Jesus. He takes on your yoke to make your walk light. Allow Him to do so. Let go of the fears that you are not being heard. These fears are of the old and not the new.  You trust that Jesus and I walk with you and you must come to trust that you are being heard.  Jesus gave you the miracle of showing you the beauty of this world and in that instant asked you to believe in the next and believe that your prayers are not only being heard but also being acted upon. To trust Jesus is to give all to Him. Your prayers are always for the good of others and you must come to see that Jesus wants the same. Trust that Jesus is answering your prayers. Trust that the...

Expose your self righteous ego

 Janine, my child, come and know that there is no anger or judgment here.  There is no disappointment in you. The noise wishes to make it so but love and only love abides here. Come and feel the peace that flows here. Come and taste my love that feeds you. Come and hear the soft voice of Jesus that communes with us.  The noise wishes to judge for the noise holds the egos of the many that say judgment is of the righteous. I say to you that it is not righteous to judge. To claim righteousness is a misguided self righteousness embedded within the ego that seeks to be above God. The world has birthed the misguided self righteous ego.  The hypocrite called the self righteous ego must be tamed and shown that it cannot be above God.  The self righteous ego loves to do its bidding outside of your awareness and wraps itself up in the 'good" feeling of "being right."  This feeling of being right is saying to God that you have the way and the truth when in fact you ar...

Learning to Listen to the Story of Your Body

 My child, it is another dawn of another new day. You come to this Tabernacle and place yourself before me with your yes to me and to the River of the I Am.  Come and be filled that you may in turn walk with me into the world to fill others with love and only love. You are in a state of confusion on this new day for your body is attempting to speak to you and you hear not its language. Your belly asks for attention for it is speaking to you of the pain that is a remnant of the old. I remind you of the old that is rising up again and in need of attention.  You try to deny your body but you cannot for your body is speaking loudly to you today. Your body is in need of telling you its story. You attempt to learn of your body through the story of others but that is futile for your body cannot be compared to another.  Your body is telling you it is in a tenseness that is holding what it must release. Take the breath that empties. Take the breath that hears your innards. Ta...

Let Go and Just Allow

 Janine, my child, you are precious to me. Come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune on this new day of Our Lord and Savior. How graced we are to have what we have. Come, rest in my holding and take in all that is here for you. Take the breath that expands you into the mystical of the River of the I Am. The day is rising before you and the day is anew with the freshness of God's love for us. Jesus is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am and the lifeblood of all that we do. Take in the Living Waters that flow through you. Hold not yourself back. Let go and just allow all of your senses to expand to take in this inch and moment. The next inch and moment will show itself soon enough. For now, take in what is here and what is between us, Take in the breath that we breathe with Jesus that allows us to be as one with Him.  Allow the flow of the lifeblood of Jesus to just flow with no attempts to hold onto the beauty of this moment. To ...

Your Body Tells Your Story

 Janine, my child, you place yourself before this Tabernacle with my holding within this sacred space and time. Take in this holding that gives you the taste of my love and only love. I speak to you of your sleep and your fears that arise. These fears are of the old, the very old for your sleep was taken from you as a child where others woke you and wounded you. Janine, my child, it is no more but your body must come to see it is no more. Your body holds the very old and it is awakened as you prepare for sleep.  In God's timing it is becoming less and less. Trust in my words and the ways of Jesus for all is being accomplished in God's timing. I give you view of last night where you breathed with Jesus and allowed the Light to ease the nameless fret. I name this fret for you that you may know it is of the very old and is being taken from you bit by bit in the Light of the River of the I Am. The body must release what has been held for so long. Trust in the knowing that the body...

Trust in Jesus Who Answers Your Prayers

 Janine, my child, I call you by name that you may know I hold you in regard. I hold you in love that holds and builds and never tears down. I hold you in a hold that is gentle and with a flow of love that has no boundaries. Take in the flow between us. Take in the flow with Jesus. It is Jesus' peace that flows through us. In your yesterday Jesus showed you the flow between you and He and the beauty of no boundaries. Each breath was shared in the intimacy of love and only love. Jesus showed you that He takes upon Himself your prayers and that He knows your prayers before you pray them. When you pray you must come to trust you are being heard and that your prayers are being answered. Just as my face was given you but not in the form you expected, you must trust that your prayers are being heard and answered but may not be in the form you expect. I watch over you and yours as Jesus does. Your prayers are being heard and answered. 

The Language of the Soul Teaches the Mind

 Janine, my child, it is time. You come to me in the timing of each day that we may become one in the communion of our hearts here within the River of the I Am. In this time and space you and I are moving into the depths of the River of the I Am where our hearts are joined in a holding that is of God's design. Take in this special time for it shall fill you and prepare you for the day. The beauty of this time is of the grace of God. Jesus is with us in this holy space for He is deep within your very depths. Taste Him within this communion. All we have and all we do is with the holding of Jesus. Take note of the way in which words flow up from the depths of your being where I and Jesus abide as well as all of the yes. Take note of the way in which the mind does not attempt to take control. From your depths is the truth and the way. The mind is the receiver from deep within your depths. The heart and soul initiate the awareness and the truths of your very depths. The language of the ...

The Staff of Jesus Protects His Sheep

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle. I am pleased that you attend to your soul. Your yes is celebrated here within the River of the I Am.  The woman of your awakening this morning was me.  I reminded you of the staff of Jesus that you have and must return it to Him. You were already preparing to return to Him because you noticed you had taken it up by mistake. Your yesterday saw you take the staff of Jesus in unawareness but only for a moment for you were awakened to the truth that Jesus carries His staff to protect you. Jesus knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. My face was clear to you and still is, for it was not of a dream. It was of the mystical for you saw me in awakeness. I presented myself to you that you may know me in the flesh that I once wore. I reminded you of what you already know and that is you must return to Jesus His Staff that walks with you in all things. You must not attempt to control with the use of your own staff for it cannot be...

We Walk to Open Others to Their Great Worth

 Janine, my child, come and be held and known. You are my child and my love for you is known. Today, as the sun rises, know that what we have is forever. The space may change but what we have shall never change. You are growing in the ways of Jesus with each new day. Your were awakened yesterday to the larger view of why we walk the walk we walk.  To be able to open my children to their worth in the face of great doubt and confusion is of our design. Jesus showed you in an instant why we walk. To see so clearly that to open one's heart and soul to the truth of their worth as well as to the truth that lies deep within their souls is to awaken Jesus within.  The peace within your soul this new day is the peace of Jesus who shows you His peace in the flow of each inch and moment. To open another to their worth is to expand yours. You heard so clearly the soft words of Jesus that told you of why we walk this walk. There are the many who need to see their worth and give themse...

The Cheater in the Mirror

My child, as you place yourself before this Tabernacle, take the breath that lets go and then take in the one that takes in my heart. Love fills you with the love and only love of the River of the I Am for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. I am love for I am of the love of the Light of my womb. I gave life to Jesus within the world. I gave my yes to be the mother of man.  I offer all my motherhood that all may come to know the intentions of God and His promises. Jesus is the One, the Savior, who, by His yes, shows us the way to the truth of God. Jesus walks with you and you are open to His soft voice that speaks within the love and only love of the River of the I Am. Jesus builds and never destroys. Jesus speaks of love and not judgment or hate. Jesus shows you that judgment returns to you in the form of that which you judge. Judgment of another is almost always as the boomerang and what you call projection for what you give to another in judgment is what is in your heart and...

Noise Cannot Bear the Face of Prayer

 Janine, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. I am pleased that you have come to me to be with me and to hear me and to write my words. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am and by God's hand I am your mother.  Today casts itself upon you and you have committed yourself to this Tabernacle even when the noise attempts to derail what we have. The noise uses doubt to test you for it knows doubt is a seed that may grow in you and turn you from me. Today is anew with the possibilities of God's design. Today is anew with a renewed commitment to me for each time the noise attempts to cast its seed of doubt upon you, you move towards me all the more. Your commitment to me and to Jesus becomes the more and more. As the noise is lessened you grow in the ways of Jesus and the River of the I Am all the more and more. Your fears of the noise and its doubts that are cast out into the world cause you to pray all the more and more and not the less and less as the noise begs of you to doubt...

The Naked Soul Walks in Excitement

 Janine, my child, I am here and I take you into this Tabernacle. I give you my heart and my attention that you may know me and know love and only love. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with all of the River.  Today shows itself with love and only love for you attend to your soul on this new day of our Lord. You come to me that  you may be filled with deeper and deeper expansion.  Your soul lives in the excitement of knowing Jesus and me all the more and more. No longer can your parts deny what is. No longer can the noise show itself as the controller for it knows your soul is attached to Jesus and me and the Kingdom where control gives itself up to allow the River of the I Am to flow its course into Eternity. We walk to end the noise within my children. We walk to show how to trust opening the soul where the noise dies in the face of the soul.  We walk to witness to each story that each may be heard without prejudice or judgm...

The Mind and the Mystical

 Janine, my child, come and commune with me within the River of the I Am where the song of our souls is being sung. Come and be fed with the Light within the River of the I Am.  Today finds us in the holdings of mother and child. Janine, I call you by name for you are mine. I love you with a love that controls never and holds always. To hold you with no control is to allow the River to take us in the flow that holds but casts no control. You are free here to just be with no bindings to hold. You were able to feel this freed up flow in your walk of yesterday for Jesus showed you the way of the flow of the inch and moment that has no beginning and no end. One inch flows into the next in God's timing. You have come to see this truth for you have let go of the need to attempt to control what is before you.  Jesus showed you the way of the mind that uses itself to ignore or reject the mystical that flows through your body. You have tasted the truth of the mind and mystical of ...

Peace Cannot Be Captured or Caged

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle. Let your hands be my hands as we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be of my heart that holds you and fills you and expands your senses.  Today is of God's law of love and only love. Each of these last days you have taken yourself from the noise by allowing Jesus to show you the way of solitude that has no sky and no ground and no walls. This solitude shows you that you can let go of the noise and allow your senses in solitude of heart and soul to show you the way of intimacy with Jesus.  To use your expanded senses of solitude that has no sky and no ground and no walls shows you that there is no beginning and no end to the walk with Jesus.  Attempts to control are being replaced by the solitude of your soul that now knows it is silly and futile to attempt to control that which cannot be held or controlled. The ways of the Earth limit your senses whereas the ways Jesus expand them.  When y...

The Fruits of This New Day

 Janine, my child, come and allow me to take you and hold you and feed you. I am your mother who feeds and loves with a love that is beyond just the earthly. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where by God's grace I am mother to all. You take the breath that takes in my love with no boundaries to bind.  You are opened to me and to Jesus in a nakedness that takes in love and only love. Today may seem to be as just another day, my child, but I say to you each day is anew and fresh for the old has been placed into the Book of Life where today is anew in a birth of newness.  The Book of Life holds each day in a sacred holding of your story in love and only love that shall one day be read aloud before all of the River of the I Am. Your joy to be held here within the River of the I Am is known. Your love of Jesus is known here within the River. Our walk together is known and being written anew each day. As you grow you expand and it shall be written.  Anew is anew for ...