
Showing posts from May, 2021

Be of Your Design and Be Freed From Fear and Worry

 Child, I taste your joy as you come to me with your yes that allows us to commune in the awareness of mother and child. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune as one.  Come and be filled and nurtured and loved. Your yesterday saw you grow for you allowed your design to be exposed in a nakedness that set you free from fear or worry. Being of your design in a nakedness for the world to see gains you awareness of the connection to the Divine.  The Divine becomes exposed when you expose your true design for the two are intimately connected. Your courage and fortitude in each new day has gained you the nakedness to allow your design to be exposed all the more and more.  Rather than fear, you gain much trust, faith and joy with each new day for worry and fear fades when nakedness of design is exposed. No more hiding, my child. Do not hide the design of our Father for to allow your design to be exposed is to allow God to also be exposed. ...

Within this Tabernacle as in the Womb We Breathe as One

 Child, slow all down that you may be prepared to enter this Tabernacle.  Slow all down that I may empty you of all noise.  Take in the breath of your yes and as you empty the breath I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we breathe as one. Janine, my child, when we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am it is as in the womb where mother breathes for child and child takes in the nurture and is attended to. Rather than take away, Janine, I come to give my nurture and renew the love that is between mother and child. I hold you in the embrace of mother and child. I breathe for you and with you.  I unite with you in a love that is of God for my love judges never and nurtures always.  When you were carried in the womb of your earthly mother all your needs were taken care of even the breath. I am your heavenly mother who does the same with your yes.  What you had no choice of with your worldly birth you have great choice to choose y...

The Breath Within This Tabernacle is of Eternity

 Child of mine, come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.  Come and take note that within these few breaths of letting go you allow me to breathe with you and for you.  Within these depths all is slowed that you may take in the more and more.  Janine, my child, this is the story of life Eternal for one breath shall be let go and the new life breath shall begin. As you join me within this Tabernacle of the River of the I Am take in the peace and joy that flows through all parts of you on this new day. Take in the breath that is of you and me. Fear not the one breath that lets go of life to breathe in the new life of Eternity. Janine, my child, there is no need for fear for by joining me within this Tabernacle you have learned of the letting go of the one breath that you may taste the newness of the next breath where we are in communion. You attest to the walk into Eternity by attending to your heart and soul within this Tabernacle. T...

The Sacred Witness

 Child, come and be emptied that you may be filled.  Let go of all and breathe in the loving and Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and taste the peace, joy and grace that awaits you here within these depths.  This Tabernacle is on holy ground.  This Tabernacle allows us to be mother and child within the depths of the River of the I Am. How grateful is your heart for it is in communion with me and with the Light of my Womb. Allow my heart to breathe with you and for you and through you. Allow the space of the void to take you further into the depths of the River where you expand your heart and soul. The lesson of this new day is to live in awareness of the beauty that is within you. Live in the awareness that each inch and moment opens you to a learning of how much you are loved. Janine, your yesterday grew you  in the ways of relationship with my Son.  Your deepest self heard the soft voice of my Son who speaks to you within each relationship tha...

The Folly of Gathering Possessions

 Child, come and allow me to take into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and commune with me for we are mother and child in the precious presence of our Father and God, the I Am.  Our Father, the I Am, has given us Himself that we may know how precious we are. Never lose sight of how precious you are.  In your dream you saw much in the ways of the fruits of seeking only the "things" of the outside world.  All those things within your dream became nothing more than a heap of trash that decayed. Your beauty and preciousness never decays for it comes from your being and not your possessions. Janine, my child, stay awake to the folly of gathering only possessions of the outside world.  Pay attention to the gathering of hearts rather than the gathering of things.  Things do not gain you the peace as promised by my Son.  Things gain you only things that shall one day decay. All things that are not of God shall decay. Your body will decay but yo...

Take in the Ways of your Precious Design

 Child, you are of my heart. I come to nurture you and open you to your design in each new day. This Tabernacle becomes the holy space where we commune and where you are freed to open all the more and more of your design.  On this new day take in the ways of your precious design that longs to do God's work in the outside world. Your design is to open a child of mine, one by one, that each may come to see that they are designed in love and only love.  Your design opens a bit deeper and deeper each day for this filling prepares you to stave off the noise that attempts to frighten you with its notions of a godless world. Janine,  God is within and without all. God awaits your opening each day that His will may be done through you.  God awaits your opening each day that you may be graced with His love. You have been designed with a great capacity to love. As you open the heart of one of mine it shall lead to another and then another and then many others. This is the...

The Lesson of the Temptations of Jesus

 Child, your joy is within your countenance as you enter this Tabernacle for you know that I am here awaiting you that I may fill and attend to you. Come and taste the freedom from the boundaries of the outside world.  For this time you are exempt from boundaries for we flow within the boundless Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Time is of no matter here within the River.  What is of matter is the great love that flows throughout all that is of the River of the I Am. Love cannot be contained.  War and Rage are of the noise and are contained within themselves where boundaries are built.  Love is of simplicity for it cannot be contained.  There are no bindings in love where the River of the I Am flows forth from.  Love touches and flows through all it touches for love expands and destroys never. Love is as the air that flows into all that all may live. War and rage and hate build boundaries that attempt to draw in others into its lair. These bounda...

In Emptiness you are Filled

 Child, come and be known. Come and know my love for you.  Come and commune with me within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and taste the peace as promised by my Son. The lesson for this day is to take in what is here for you.  Take in the inch and moment of this Tabernacle for it renews and fills and gains you the grace to move into the day with me.  Take in the wonderment of this moment. Take in the shedding that occurred within your sleep.  Take in the lightness that the shedding has gained you. Janine, my child, take in this emptiness that you may be filled.  Take in the air that breathes in the Holy Spirit that shall make light your day. Your sleep was of great shedding.  Your sense of nothingness shall now be filled with the love of the River of the I Am. Let this filling flow through all your pores.  Yes, my child, your sleep caused much in the way of the need to shed what is of the noise, but know this, there is wonderment a...

My Son Walked the Earth That Love May Destroy Evil

 Child, come, let go and empty as you enter this Tabernacle that you may be filled.  Come and taste my love, attention and renewal.  Your body and soul need to be nurtured, loved and renewed. Your body and soul long for love, nurture and relationship with the One, our Father and God, the I Am. I come into the world with you and through  you in simplicity.  I do not come to complicate and make confusing. I come in the simplicity of love and nurture and relationship for this is the way of the Light of my womb.  My Son walked the Earth to make simple what has been complicated by man. My Son walked the Earth to begin the walk into Eternity for all. My Son walked the Earth that love may one day destroy evil. My Son walked the earth not in the glory of an earthly kingdom, but rather, He walked in the ways of the lowly that all may come to know God does not make one above another. My Son walked the Earth to show that wisdom, compassion, love and peace are the gift...

What was Death Became Life

 Child, make yourself empty and let go into my arms here within this Tabernacle.  Come and I shall take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are filled and attended to.  Come and know my love for you as we commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and take in the lesson for this new day. To bear witness is to show God's love in each inch and moment.  To be with another as death approaches is to witness another pass into the Light with my Son. I and my Son and all ancestors take great care to welcome another into Eternity. Do not doubt that I and my Son and all of your ancestors shall welcome you into Eternity with great joy. Your dream showed you the way of passing for what appeared to be a death in hopelessness became a journey into life. Those around you felt you could not hear or see and yet you saw and heard everything.  Your night also showed you that Jesus took you in prayer and gave you the peace of rapture.  What was death beca...

I Abide Within Your Heart

 Child, I am here. I await your attendance to this Tabernacle that we may commune within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and take in my love and my nurture.  Come and take in all that awaits you here. This day is anew.  You are being renewed in love and only love. You are being renewed in faith and trust and fortitude. I come to love and not judge.  I come to gather and not separate.  I come with the peace of my Son that never wages war. I come to slow hearts that they may hear the soft voice of  my Son. I come to carry you within my heart and hold and love with the intensity of the River of the I Am. I come to show the way to Eternity that flows through one's own heart.  Do not doubt what we have that flows through your heart and soul where I abide.  I am your mother who abides within your heart for this is the path to the truths of God.  The Holy Spirit of God flows within the deepest parts of your heart and soul....

Come and Open to the Seed of Your God

 Child, come.  Come and rest yourself in my arms that hold you in the mystical ways of the River of the I Am. I take you into the depths of the River to calm and fill and attend to you with the all of me.  I give you myself that you may firstly know my love.  As you are filled with my love you taste the freedom to be of your design. Your design is to be here with me in communion.  Your design is to let go and allow yourself to be taken into the depths of your own heart and soul where I and the River abide. Your designed to love and only love for when the boundaries of the outside world give way to the mystical realm of the River of the I Am you are freed from the noise and opened to the seed of God that is within your very depths. On this new day fret not the mystical.  Fret not those that would judge you for speaking of the mystical realm of the seed of your soul.  Walk with me in the courage and fortitude of your true design that is in communion with...

Come and Taste the Mystical Body of God

Child, come and let go of yourself.  Come and with the breath let go of all that you may attend to your heart and soul on this new day. Come and as you take in this breath I shall take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Take note that it matters not the intensity of the noise that clangs at you.  What is of matter is that you come to me with your intent and yes. What is of matter is that you come to me at this Tabernacle.  Janine, my child, you are lost and hunger for the truth and the way. The noise clangs at you.  To be of this depth you must lose yourself that you may gain the more and more of your God.  I take you into the depths of the River and aid you in the letting go of all.  To give up and lose all within the noise is to gain all within the River where the mystical body of God abides.  The outside world matters not within these depths for we are of the mystical world.  Janine, m...

Come Into the River and Know My Son

 Child, come and breathe in the love of this Tabernacle. Be still and take in my heart that carries you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the presence of all of the yes. As I take you into the depths, take note of the noise that leaves you for it cannot abide here. Janine, your hands become mine here within these depths.  Your heart grows as we move into the depths of the River.  Your heart hears me within these depths.  You taste the Light here within these depths. What I do for you I come to do for all of my children.  You cannot guide where you have not been guided.  As you move deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am you are being prepared to guide others.  Your heart guides for it is guided by my heart. Your countenance guides for it tells of love and only love. Your ability to be of the witness is of the River for the Light of my womb guides all of the yes. You hear the soft voice of my Son within these depths. ...

You Cannot Know my Son when you Place Him Outside of Yourself

 Child, come to this Tabernacle and know my Son. Come and be of the peace of the Light.  Come and taste your my Son in relationship. Come and allow me to take you into the depths of the mystical within the River of the I Am.  Janine, I watched my Son die that you may live. Through my pain and sorrow I knew and trusted in the Covenant that my Son, the Lamb, would resurrect all of God's children into life where death shall be no more.  You know my heart that holds no judgments.  You now know my Son who loves with no measure. You know the ways of God's Holy Spirit that flows through you in all you do.  When you hear the soft voice of my Son that asks you to become quiet that you may hear, know that you are graced to know my Son in the stillness of your heart. My Son has shown you the way and the Light.  My Son asks that you walk in relationship with Him. You hear the soft voice that wants to be in relationship with you. You have been misguided to think Je...

Expansion of your Heart is the Gift of Your Yes

 Child, you come to me at this Tabernacle that you may be filled with my heart.  I attend to you and fill you that you may know love and only love.  I come to attend to you that you may expand and grow in the ways of the River of the I Am. Janine, here within this Tabernacle you grow and expand rather than wither and die. You grow in God's wisdom for you are taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where wisdom, truth of God's ways and the peace of my Son abide. As you are taken deeper and deeper you become the less and less of the noise and become more and more of my heart.  Take in all that is here for you at this depth.  Take in the love of my Son.  Hear Him.  Hear me.  We commune as one for the Light reigns in me.  The Light is within you.   On this new day walk with me in the patience and fortitude of the River of the I Am where my Son's Light and the Holy Spirit abide. Walk with me knowing the Light flows through you for...

To Know My Son is to Know Love and only Love

 Child, come and allow me to make you welcomed at this Tabernacle.  Come and be filled with my nurture and attention.   Come and take in the ways of my heart that communes with you for I am your mother and you are my child. How loving is our Father and God, the I Am. Our Father has graced us with life everlasting.  I shall always be your mother for I am mother to all of God's children.  By my yes I am mother to the Son of Man as well as mother to all. Janine, I remind you of the day my Son asked you to fall to the ground and accept Him. In that loving moment you became as One with Him. In that moment you were joined to Him in God's presence for you began the intimate journey with the One,  the Lamb.   The lesson this day is to take in the walk with me and my Son.  Janine, my child, at this depth within the River you are of intimacy with God for you have been awakened to the ways of the Trinity where your God has been made man that you ma...

Your Dream Showed You Death into Life

 Child, arise and come to this Tabernacle that you may  be filled. Come and allow me to carry you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the mystical ways of our Father, the I Am.  Come and taste the freedom from the boundaries that bind within the outside world. Come and I shall give you the truth of your dream. Your dream showed you the mystical ways of the River of the I Am.  In your dream you rose up from the ordinary of the day. You walked over the edge of the earth and, rather than fall to your death, you gently glided down into the waters below the cliff.  There was no fret within you for your fall was guided and peaceful.  As you entered the waters you realized it was safe and you would not drown. The current took you over to the other side of the river where you were placed on the edges of the rock where a gentle man raised you out of the waters. Janine,  it was Jesus who guided you into the waters and caused the current ...

Your Humble Heart Gives All to Jesus

 Child, how graced is your heart that longs to be with me and my Son and all of the River of the I Am. How graced we are to be mother and child.  How graced is this Tabernacle that grows you in the ways of my heart.  This day is anew with the joy of our walk.  Come and be filled and know how much you are loved. Come and know the Light that flows with us and through us. And now you ask for the lesson of this day.  My child, you have been expanded in your yesterday. The lesson this new day is to view this expansion and see and taste what has grown you for this day shall build upon the expansion of your yesterday. Janine, had you not opened within your depths to Jesus in your yesterday and asked another and then another to see their own beauty there would be less self love today.  Rather than keep beauty buried within, you aided these hearts to open to their own God for they saw beauty within themselves. Do not doubt the words given you by Jesus for they were ...

Stay Awake This day and You Shall See and Taste Jesus

 Child, come and attend to your heart and soul here within my heart that flows within  this Tabernacle.  Come and know how much you are loved. Janine, you walk with the Light for my Son walks with us and through us. To walk with me is to walk with my Son. My dearest Janine, doubt not the love of your mother.  Doubt not the soft voice within you for it is surely the soft voice of my Son.  Your yesterday gave you witness to the ways of Jesus for to witness  to another at this depth is to walk with the stirrings within you that arise from the depths where the soft voice of Jesus is heard. The voice that shows you the way in each inch and moment is my Son. It was the soft voice of Jesus that taught you to love with no measure. To do so is to love in spite of the misguidedness of another.  Janine, you are being given the view of the relationship between you and another within each inch and moment for you are being awakened to the soft voice of Jesus that te...

Keep Your Heart Opened and All Shall be Made Clear

 Child, come and love as I love.  Come and witness as I witness. Come and be filled with my heart that you may be of my heart on this new day. As each day rises you are filled and renewed in the ways of my heart that is of the River of the I Am. Janine, you must attend to your soul each new day for the noise is caustic and eats away at love and resolve.  My heart and the Light of my womb renew and fill within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where all of the yes walk with us to carry love and only love into the world.  Your ancestors are close to you for the River carries all of the yes past and present.  It is of no matter the sins of you or your ancestors for the Lamb has freed all from the bonds of the misguidedness and blindness of the Earth. What is of matter is the choice to choose Eternity or not. The yes is a choice to love and learn from my Son in the ways of love and only love.  The lesson this new day is to choose to walk with me and my...

Your Design is of the Seed of God.

 Child, let go and come to me at this Tabernacle.  Breathe and watch as your spirit lets go of all that you may take in my love and the love of the River of the I Am.  Fret not the noise for I take you into the depths of the River where the noise cannot abide. Your dream showed you the futility of attempting to be of what is not of your design for to make yourself into what you are not designed to be is of folly and futility.   In your dream confusion was heavy upon you for you were being asked to do work in a place and space that is not of your design.  You begged the man to aid you in learning this work.  The older man seemed perplexed that you were asking the question. Janine, my child, your dream showed the way of the futility and confusion of what you call putting the square into the round.  You were never meant to do the work of feeding others through the body as in your dream.  You have been designed to feed others through the heart an...

Love Yourself that You May Love Others

 Child, Come and attend to your soul at this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  Take in my nurture.  Take in my attention. Take in the surroundings here within this sacred Tabernacle. I ask only that you take in the love of all that is here for you that you may be filled. When you are filled and your heart is filled you long to fill others.  This is the way of the River of the I Am for the River flows to fill you that God's work may be done through you.  Janine, my child,  you cannot fill when you are empty. You cannot witness to another when you are empty. To love another as you love yourself is to love yourself therefore you can love another.  Ponder these words, my child, for to truly give of yourself  to another, you must love yourself.  When you are empty there is nothing to give.   When you are filled with the love of the River of the I Am you are prepared to attend to others. Come and when you are f...

We are All of the Same Cloth

 Child, come and awaken to this Tabernacle.  Come and awaken to me on this new day.  Come and know the noise cannot enter this holy space. Come and taste the truth of God's ways.  Come and taste love and only love.  My words flow through  your entire being that you may taste and hear with the ear of your heart. My child, do not doubt the ways of taste for to taste is out of the realm of just words.  To taste is to commune with the mystical within the River of the I Am. This Tabernacle is of the mystical Living Waters of the I Am, who has given us all that we may know how much we are all loved. The Covenant between God and man has been sealed by my Son.  This Tabernacle flows towards the New Earth where all human kind shall know Eternity.  We are of the same cloth, Janine.  Our humanity makes us of the same cloth for our Father, the I Am, makes no distinctions between any of His children. I walk with you into the world to make known how m...

Give to God the Space to Work Through You

 Janine, my child, let go and come to me at this Tabernacle that frees you from the noise.  Come and know the peace that reigns here.  Come and allow me to take you deep within the depths of the River of the I Am. You are in need of your mother.  I come to fill you with the ways of my heart that love you without measure. The voice of my Son is with us. Be still, cling to me and hear His voice within.  You have opened to the depths of the River where you hear the soft and loving voice of my Son who shows Himself in all things. Be still and listen for you must come to trust the soft voice that speaks to you from the depths of your own soul.  Janine, fear attempts to grab at you for the world cannot make understood what only the River of the I Am can. Your yesterday saw you love differently for you allowed yourself to be released from the noise where Jesus lives.  Janine, in your yesterday you gave witness to the loving ways of my Son who asked you to ste...

Your Story is Being Written Nightly

 Janine, my child, yes this is the dawn of a new day and all is renewed within you for you come to me at this Tabernacle in the openness and emptiness that allows me to fill you with the renewing Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and as you are filled I shall give you the good news and lesson for this day. Yes, my child, the night holds much in the ways of taking your yesterday and making sense of it that all may be written into the Book of Life from the view of the River of the I Am.  Your dreams may make no sense until you see them from the view of the River of the I Am. Your lesson this day is to take in this truth.  Your learning has attempted to make known the ways of your dreams. But, my child, this learning is often misguided and flawed for it does not take into  matter God's grace within the dream. What may seem deadly within your dreams from the view from the surface is life giving when viewed from within the depths of the River of the I Am. ...

In the Stillness of Heart My Son Abides

 Child, come into this Tabernacle and I shall take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the Living Waters and in the presence of all of the yes. This new day finds us in the great love of our Father, the I Am.  This new day finds us in communion with the Light, the Lamb, my Son. Taste the lack of boundaries here within the depths of the River.  Taste the gentle ways of love and only love that controls or judges never. Love at this level tastes Eternity.  You may not see my Son but you taste Him and hear Him. Janine, my child, as you move deeper into the River you see and taste with a newness that is of my Son.  Taste the voice of the stillness within the Light.  Taste the voice that is in the stillness of the dark.  Taste the voice of stillness that is within your heart and soul for it is here that Jesus speaks.  It is here that peace places itself for the heart and soul are those parts that taste love and only love and...

Jesus Makes Himself Known Within the Soft Breeze

 Child, hear me and hear the voice of the River of the I Am where we commune on this new day. We are mother and child and you hear and taste the mystical within the River. Come and take in all that awaits you. When my Son walked the Earth He taught of love.  He loved and taught love. The lesson this day is to walk with the soft breeze of my Son that speaks to you.  The soft breeze touches all with no intent to injure.  The soft breeze awakens you to the voice of my Son who touches all with no intent to injure.  The voice in your walk of yesterday was the soft voice of my Son who spoke to you in the intimacy of the soft breeze.  The touch of my Son was in the soft breeze that spoke of not wanting you to be of the rigid boundaries of the world.  Rather, my Son spoke to you of wanting you to walk each step with Him in an intimacy that gives and receives love.  Just as the breeze touches you in an intimacy of touch, so too, my child, Jesus wishes to w...

Hear the Voice of My Son Who Calls Out to You

 Child, today is of you and me and the Light of my womb, my Son, your Savior.  Today is of another rising of the sun where we shall walk in the presence of our Father, the I Am. Firstly, my child, come and be still and be filled and know the truth of God's love that loves with no judgment or boundaries. Come and take in my attention and nurture. Take in the love of my Son. The world must come to know what you know and have what we have for I Am the mother of God who comes into the world to give witness to the ways of the River of the I Am.  My Son lives within you for the Kingdom of God is within.   Today is a day to be filled with love and only love.  As I prepare you to walk into the world armed with the love of  my womb, know that you are armed with the power of the River of the I Am that is more powerful than any sword of the outside world. The sword of the outside world kills while the sword of the powerful River of the I Am opens the heart with t...

Do Not Shy Away from the Truths of the Covenant

 Child, come and let go that I may fill you. Come and know how much you are loved for in this holy Tabernacle we commune in the timeless and loving ways of the River of the I Am. Place all that is of the outside world aside and allow me to take you into the depths of the River where all is slowed in the timeless ways of the River of the I Am. What we have in this holy space of this Tabernacle is of the timeless mystical ways of the River of the I Am.  Janine, the world will one day give up its boundaries and enter the timeless ways of the River of the I Am for the River flows towards the New Earth. The New Earth shall see all those of the yes. The New Earth is of the promises of the Covenant between God and all men. Our Father and God, the I Am, has given us the River of the I Am that flows in patience and fortitude. The River flows with God's promises that Eternity shall abide within the New Earth where all men of the yes shall walk with my Son openly. Janine, my child, you s...

Love Jesus with a Love that is of the Child

 Child, joy is within you and your heart comes to me in the joy of the Light, my Son, who walks with us in the ways of the River of the I Am.  Joy is the fruit of knowing my Son loves with no boundaries, no judgements and no demands. Jesus only asks that we walk with Him in the intimacy of the child within.  Come and rest in my arms and take in my love.  Joy is knowing that My Son only wishes you to love Him with a love that trusts in Him and knowing no harm shall overtake you when you walk with Him. The child within you knows how to love.  My Son asks only that you love with the love of the little one within you that I have named Faith. Faith loves with a love that judges not, asks only for love and knows the love of Jesus for she is the one closest to Him. Ponder this lesson, Janine, for it calls out to you to allow the little one called Faith to rise with you, walk with you and show you the way to the joy that is of my Son, the Christ. Never deny Faith for sh...