
Showing posts from December, 2021

Trust is a Knowing

 Child, come and taste my love for to taste is to know without words. To taste me is to know my nurture. To taste me is to trust for trust is built upon the consistency of my nurture and the nurture of our Father and God who has given us His Son that we may have Eternity. Trust is a knowing. Trust is not of the mind. Trust is the deep faith of knowing that builds upon itself. You have come to trust that I am here each time you come to me at this Tabernacle. Trust is felt deep within your loins for there in your deepest parts those wounds that bound you to fear and mistrust are no longer a barrier to trust. With the trust that is in your deepest parts the noise cannot enter.  When the noise threatens to burden you, come to me at this Tabernacle and the trust shall rise up from deep within you. Janine, my child, you have gained the depth of trust for your yesterday prepared you for today. When you trust at this depth you are freed from fear for fear and trust cannot share the sa...

The River of the I Am is God's Power Source

 Child, let go of yourself and enter this Tabernacle where we move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know I am your mother. Come and know the ways of the Holy Spirit that flows within and without that God's will may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Janine, I know your love for me and your commitment to this Tabernacle. Your heart is of my heart for we flow as one. I feed you that you may know how much you are loved. I feed you with my heart that fills you to overflowing. My nurture renews you and prepares you to enter the world armed with the power of the River of the I Am.   When you are filled and prepared we shall enter the world to gather my children unto me that they may know their heavenly mother's love and attention. We walk into the world to gather my children that they may taste the Light of my womb. All that we do as mother and child and all that graces us comes from the Light and power of the River of the I Am where God's will flows forth f...

You Shall Grow Into Eternity

 Child, come and allow me to open your heart to this Tabernacle. Come and open your body, heart and soul to me and to the Light that flows within us within the River of the I Am. Come and know the love that awaits you here for all souls of the yes flow with us making our joy that much deeper for love gains more love with each soul of the yes. It matters not the ways of the yes for the yes is a yes. Questioning is a yes for it is in questioning the soul cries out for answers. The questions I speak of are the questions of the heart and soul that seek to know the truth and the way to open to God. Janine, my child, you are of the River of the I Am where love grows you forever. You are of the River of  the I Am where the truths are given you in the increments needed that you may be taken to the next depth where you expand all the much deeper. You shall expand into Eternity for your God shall never stop growing you. You shall grow forever for God's love shall espand you forever. Lov...

Open Your Heart and Accept the Peace of Jesus

 Child, you come to me with the sign of my Son. You come to me and place yourself before this Tabernacle that we may commune. Come and let go of yourself as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where your heart and hands join mine and we become as one. Come and be of the peace of my heart that is of my Son who has given us His peace. All need be done is to say yes to His peace and the door will open. To open the door to the yes begins the journey to your own soul where the peace of Jesus abides.  You cannot wait upon the outside world alone to gain you this peace for the outside world offers a fleeting peace. The outside world alone offers a misguided peace for it offers a fleeting peace from without where war rages all around you. This new day places hope before you for to be of Jesus and opened to Him is to taste hope in all things and to taste His peace from deep within your own heart and soul where the River of the I Am flows. You cannot wait upon the outside w...

Let us Walk to Live, Love and Be Kind

 Child, come and as we descend into the River of the I Am know that we are mother and child before God. Know that we commune in the ways of the love of the River of the I Am. Today, is the day of the Lord who graces us with new life for each day is an offering of new life where your yesterday has been written and your today is to be written. To live, love and be kind is to give back to God what he has given you which is life, love and kindness for He loves you with no judgments or boundaries. He has given you life that you may know Him in these ways.  The lesson this day is to live, love and be kind. I remind you of the words of my Son who gave you these words. To live is to take in and taste all that is around you.  To love is to walk with Jesus and love as He loves. To be kind is to walk in the ways of Jesus who loves and only loves.  Come and let us walk in life, in love and in the kindness that judges never and loves always.

Words Cannot Describe the Indescribable

My dear Janine, I welcome you into this Tabernacle on this new day of our Lord and God. I welcome you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the effortless flow of the River of the I Am. Within the River there are no boundaries to bind.  I hold you in the embrace that holds no boundaries. You ask, “How can it  be that you hold me with no boundaries? My sweet child, take in what is between us where the boundaries of the outside world cannot separate this communion.  Take in my heart that gives to your heart with no boundaries for we commune as one. Take in the effortlessness of being fed by my heart.  Take in the effortlessness of what we have for I taste you and you taste me. I take in all parts of you and you take in all parts of me. With the effortless flow of the River we are taken into the path into Eternity. As we flow there are no words that can give worth to the love between us. There are no words that can account for what we have. I use ...

Come and Join the Song of Songs

 Child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be known. Come and commune with all of the River.  Our communion holds much grace for what we have is celebrated by all of the River. What we have is not for you alone but for all. When we celebrate the River celebrates with us for by God's grace we become one with all within the Light. Your voice is added to the song of songs. You do not lose who you are or what we have. Rather, you are grown and expanded with all who join in the song of songs.  The song of songs is more beautiful when you are in it for one joined is one not lost. When you are joined to the others you experience love all the more and more. The Song of Songs holds your note where it is part of all the other notes. Come, be still and let our hearts join in the song of songs where each note sung gives praise to our Father, our God. Let us walk to gather others that their note may join in the praise of God.   You must c...

Expand your Senses Within the River of the I Am

  Good morning, my child, come and be known. Come and be a part of this garden that flows within the River of the I Am. Come and be still that you may hear and taste your heavenly mother. I am graced to be your mother and mother to all. There are those who say you cannot feel what is not there. There are those who say you cannot taste what is not in your mouth. There are those who say you cannot smell what is not before you. Those who say there can be no feeling  other than in the human ways miss the mark. Those who say there can be no feeling or sensing other than in the human body know not the ways of the mystical.  You have gained much in the ways of hearing, tasting and sensing within the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, I say to you that you feel and taste and smell more deeply here within the River of the I Am where your senses are expanded beyond the outside world. You see more with your heart here within these depths than any place in the outside world.  ...

The Silence that Speaks to You

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we may commune in the beauty and silence of the River. The River flows in a silence that hears much for in silence you hear me. In silence you taste me for there are no distractions to come between us. Take note of the beauty of silence where you take in my love, nurture and scent for all senses are expanded here within these depths. Take note of your hands that dance in the Light of this silence. The noise has no home here. The Light makes silent the noise that we may have what we have. Janine. my child, you need not fret. You need not think. In this silence you hear without the mind for the silence opens you to the rapture of being with the Light and with me within the silence of God's Holy Ground. Come, be still and be with me in the silence that speaks to you. Your yesterday began with the rapture and ended with the silence that brings you deep within your own soul wher...

To Be of Wholeness

Janine, My child, today is a new day. Today is a day of love and movement towards wholeness.   Today is a new day and as you come to me at this Tabernacle, know that we move into the depths of your own soul where the River of the I Am flows. Come and allow me to take you into my heart within the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune so deeply, Janine. I see and walk with you to make whole all parts of you that all parts may take in the Light. I am your mother who loves you. I am your mother who knows you in each and every part. You cannot hide any part from me for I am your heavenly mother. You can hide from yourself, however. But know this, my child, to hide any parts from yourself is to keep hidden what must be made naked to be made whole. Your heart walks with me in each new day. Your little one called Faith walks with us for she has opened herself to you that your soul may be opened where wholeness abides. Those parts hidden from you for so long have been so ...

It Is of Your Human Ways to Fear

 Child, come and be with me that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. This day is anew and gains you much in love and only love. This day is like no other and I ask only that you take in my love and the love of the River that shall sustain you when we move into the outside world. Janine, I give you view of the expansion and renewal of your heart and soul. I give you view of the beauty and the song of songs that is within the River of the I Am. I give you view of the flow of the River that flows towards the New Earth that is of forever. My child, do not take any matter to the ways of the noise that asks you to fear the death of your human body. It is of your human ways to fear what you cannot see in front of you. It is of your human ways to deny your God when you cannot see Him.  You have been given the grace to see God in the inch and moment. Do not take lightly the ways of the River that flows through you. D...

To Love with Me

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me. I am pleased that you come to me when you are in need of my love and nurture and in need of my heart that loves you beyond measure. Come and be nurtured in the ways of the River of the I Am.  The lesson this day is to love with me that you may learn to love beyond measure. You have gained much in this time with me for your love for you and yours and others has expanded and grown with each  new day.  Your love for those we witness to is known. Your love to be of the sacred witness is known. To love with me is to give up the ways of the noise for to love with me requires the banishing of the boundaries that separate and requires the need to end judgment of another as good or bad. To love with me is to love as I love and to love my Son with  your whole heart and your whole mind. To love with your whole mind is to loosen the control of the Ego mind for to love with me you must place the ego mind in the rear where it becomes ...

The Ways of My Yes

 Child, come and place yourself before this Tabernacle that we may move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Janine, I am your mother and ask only that you come to me to be filled with my nurture and love. Your yes to me is the yes to your mother who watches over you and intercedes for you in all things. You need not fret any and all noise for I watch over you as does the Light of my womb. By my yes I am your mother for I said yes to be the mother to all. I said yes to be the mother to our Savior.  My yes was given without the noise for it needed to be a yes from my very soul. I love God and I know Him and always have known Him without the noise for this is the way of the Immaculate conception.  The lesson this day is for you to ponder the ways of my yes that were free and clear from any temptations or noise. I was made the immaculate conception by my yes.  I was given this grace to see clearly within the human bo...

To Say Yes is to Reconcile with God

 Child, come and let us deepen our comunion as we move deeper into the  River of the I Am where we commune with the Light of my womb, Jesus. This new day gleems before you with the news that you are of Eternity for you are of the yes to God. To say yes is to open your very soul to God. As this new day rises, so too we rise to meet it for this is a day of reconciliation between God and man. To say yes it to be given the keys to Eternity for the yes opens the soul and it begins the journey into communion with Jesus. To say yes is to reconcile with God, the One who created you for when you say yes, you reunite your soul with your Creator. Another day to be of Jesus. Another day to reconcile your heart with God's. Another day to walk with me and Jesus into the world where we gather and witness and grow you in the ways of God's love. This love is spread into others. This is another day to be of the sacred witness that hears with the ear of the heart and sees with the eyes of the Ri...

Will You Be of the Yes?

 Child, come and be with me in this new day. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with the Light of my womb and all of the yes. Janine, my child, the lesson this new day is simple. All of the yes are moving towards the New Earth where the yes is the only requisite to the Kingdom of God. It is of no matter the ways of the noisy world that insists you must be perfect to gain access to the Kingdom or that you must earn your entrance into the Kingdom. I say this to you, my child, that the yes to God is greater than any accomplishments on Earth.  It gains you no access to the Kingdom if you are the wealthiest man on earth but give a no to God when you are face to face with Jesus.  There are those who, in the end, will still attempt to take over God for there are those who have chosen evil. I know this is of pain for you because it is of pain for me and for my Son. But, Janine, the love of God cannot change who God is for He is of love ...

The Silliness of the Noise

 Child, come and as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am watch the ways of the noise that is of folly for it makes noise that you can now know from afar. Come and as we descend into the depths of the River taste the joy and peace that grows deeper and deeper within you into your very core.  Janine, the laugh we laugh as we descend is of the awareness of the silliness of the noise that asks you to hurry and do this or hurry and do that. As we descend into the River the noise wishes you to see itself outside the River for it cannot enter the River.  When you are deep within my heart within the River of the I Am the noise becomes keenly aware that you are mine and when we walk back into the world the noise becomes as the tempter to ask you to hurry for the noise does its work in hurry where it works to take you from the peace of this inch and moment. The noise works to keep you from this inch and moment by tempting you to forecast or to try to rearrange the pa...

To Be of Jesus

 Child, I am here and I am pleased by your attendance to this Tabernacle that feeds your heart and soul that you may walk with me into the world to feed as you have been fed. Peace is the fruit of our communion for the promises of my Son flow through us within the River of the I Am. On this new day, take in my love that walks with you in all things for we are one in the other as graced by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. By my Son, we walk as one for it is He who is within us as promised by the Covenant of God. The peace of Jesus drives all we do for even in the noise and even in the pull of the temptations, peace is within us. The lesson this day is to ponder the ways of being of Jesus. To be of Jesus is to know His peace. To be of Jesus is to taste His love for you and for all of the Earth.  To be of Jesus is to have joy knowing that no matter the pain and hurt and evil in the world, joy and peace are at your very root for Jesus keeps calm your heart. To be of Jes...

"Missing the Mark"

 Child, come. Be of my heart that flows with the grace of God within the River of the I Am. Come and commune with me in the presence of all of the River of the I Am. God has given us Himself. God has given us His Son that we may know Eternity. God has given us Jesus who became man that we may know the ways of God. To know Jesus is to know God. Many of my children fear God. Many of my children war against God for they know Him not. Many of my children place God outside themselves where it is easy to hate and fear Him.  To open your own soul is to know God for your soul holds God. He is within and wishes for a relationship with you.  You are a prized gem to God. To be in relationship with God is to know Him in love and only love for this is who He is.  To place God outside yourself is to make yourself separated from Him. My Son has told you the Kingdom is within. It is within each soul. To place yourself outside of God is to keep Him from relationship with you. How sad...

The Confusion that Shackles you to the Noise

 Janine, my child, come and let go of the noise that causes you confusion as to the ways of Jesus. Come and as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am, all will become clear within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Do not be confused by the noise. You are of God and you are walking in relationship with my Son who gives us His Holy Spirit that we may end all confusion. Confusion ties you to the noise, my child. But confusion is also a way to bring you out of the noise for confusion begs the question, " What is the truth." When you become confused it is as though all choices and all questions become tangled into a knot that pulls at you. Come and be untangled by my heart and the ways of Jesus. You have been sitting in such confusion that you have been rendered frozen and helpless and in prayer to be cleansed of such fear and isolation. Janine, my child, your yesterday brought you to this confusion where the noise asked you to believe that you were of evil ...

Separating the Wheat From the Chaff

  My child, know that when you come to me you allow me to feed you with my nurture. Just as the infant takes in mother’s nurture, so too you take in my nurture that fills you.  Janine, my child, you cannot separate the nurture from the mother.  You cannot separate God from your body for you have been given His seed that is within your soul.  God is within you and you are in God for His seed is within you and you are within Him for you carry His seed. I am your mother and I am within you by my nurture.  You are within me because you take in my nurture  Ponder this truth, my child. I  am within you for I am your mother. Your children have you within them.  This is the lesson this new day. Your children have you within them for the good and the misguided. It is the  work of the River of the I Am to show you the way into the truth as well as show you the way out of the noise.  You have carried the noise from the generations before you and yo...

Place the Lifeblood of the Lamb on Your Doorstep

 Child, come and be of my heart and know I am your mother who holds you, attends to you and feeds you with my nurture that is of our Father and Creator of all things. My dear child, I love you always and judge or abandon you never. The River flows to end the self righteousness of judgment. The River of the I Am flows to bring peace to all of God's children. The River of the I Am flows that the New Earth may be established. The River began its flow towards the New Earth with the death and Resurrection of my Son. The River flows with the lifeblood of Jesus.  The River's lifeblood places its mark of Eternity on those who join the River of the I Am with their yes.  It is as the scriptures speak of, my child. God told His people to place the Lamb's Blood on their doorposts to signify that they are of the one true God and to be saved from the evil outside their homes. The River's Lifeblood shall save you and yours from the evil in the outside world. You are blessed by the Lif...

Seek Answers Within Your own Soul and Find God

 Child of mine, come and know that I am your mother who loves you with a love that is beyond earthly ways. I love with the love of my womb, Jesus. Take the breath that lets go of all and gives the yes freely to me and to the love of Jesus who has given us the Holy Spirit of God. With the breath that lets go you enter this Tabernacle that we may commune in the deeper ways of mother and child. This Tabernacle holds you in a special way that cannot be within the worldly noise.   This Tabernacle flows within the River of the I Am where all noise is countered and only love abides. Take in this love this new day, Janine. Take in the holy ground upon which we commune. Take in the presence of God who gave us the Lamb, the Redeemer, the source of the Holy Spirit. We flow as one within the River for the love of God flows within all and through all within the yes of the River of the I Am.  By the yes you open all doors to the Kingdom. By the yes you journey into your own soul w...

Allow Jesus to be in Relationship With you

Child, as you place yourself before this Tabernacle, know that I am here and I come to you that we may commune within the depths of the River of the I Am where we flow within the mystical realm of our God and Father, the I Am. Breathe in the lifegiving air within the River. Breathe in the love that awaits you here. Breathe in my nurture that is always here for you. I walked the Earth, Janine. I was and am human. My Son has walked the Earth that He may know the ways of the human body and the human spirit.  Jesus walked to witness and to show love and not hate. Jesus walked to witness to love and not judgment. Jesus is of love and not fret. Jesus walked to not separate, but rather, to join. You are learning to walk with Jesus and as you review your day at the end of each day you are learning that Jesus loves without judgment or control or punishment or anger or hate. As you review your day with Jesus you are learning to witness rather than to judge or control. To witness is to walk a...

Perfection is of The Holy Spirit Within You

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me on this new day at this Tabernacle that we may move into the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of the love of our Father and Creator, our God. As we move deeper into the River, take note of the trust that is within you for you trust that I will fill you with my nurture through your hands and belly for I fill you deep within you that your hands may be my hands and your heart may be my heart. Janine, I nor the River that houses God expect or demand perfection. Rather, I teach you that perfection exists in our God who has your permission to work though you. You cannot be of what you call perfection for you own not the ways of perfection. The ways of perfection are of God. To give to God your whole being with your heart and soul each day here within the River of the I Am is to give to God your whole self that He may send His Holy Spirit to work through you. The lesson this day is to give up the ghost of perfection. Seek not perfecti...

My Children Have the Power to Establish the New Earth

 Child, come and be of my heart for this new day is of you and me.  You come to me to attend to your heart and soul. I am pleased that you come to me with your yes to me and to the Holy Spirit that flows with us and within us.  We move deeper into the River where we commune in the great love and grace of our Father and Creator. This new day finds you in love with me and with my Son and with the Holy Spirit for we commune in the mystical body of God's River. This new day finds you of trust.  As you place your hands on this Tabernacle you trust my words that rise up within our communion. No need to move any faster than my heart moves. You need only allow my words to rise up into your heart and hands. Janine, my child, I ask only that you allow this communion where we are mother and child and where you write the words that flow forth from your depths.  Within these depths you hear, taste and are filled with the ways of the River of the I Am where love is the only i...

Allow My Heart To Teach You of Prayer

 Child of mine, come and let go for I am your mother who takes you deep within my heart at this Tabernacle that we may flow as one within the River of the I Am. Come and let go with the breath that gives up all to gain all. With your yes you are given the breath that is of my heart. Take in my nurture that takes you deeper into the River of the I Am for this is a new day in which your yesterday prepared you.  Come and be renewed with the food of the River of the I Am where my Son, the Light, abides and grace us with abundance.  Do not fret any and all of the noise for it can no longer harm you.  The noise bears its weight but you are of the River of the I Am where God's protection lies.  Do not fret the lies that are before you for you are of my heart and you are of God and not of the noise. Do not fret for yours for they are mine as well. I abandon never, Janine. I love yours for they are yours. I love all of my children for By God's hand all are mine. Do you n...

The Expansion of Our Own Soul

 Child, breathe in the Light that awaits you here within this Tabernacle.  Breathe in your heavenly mother that longs to fill you for this is the way of my heart that loves beyond human ways. I never tire of you nor does our Father and Creator. I never tire of giving you the ways of my heart for you are my child.  I never tire of attending to you for you are a gift beyond measure. You are never measured for our Creator has given you Himself which is beyond measure. By this grace you are cherished. By this grace you are seen beyond the boundaries of the world you live in. By this grace you are forever. In your yesterdays you moved beyond the boundaries of the noise within the outside world and into the silence within the noise. To be of this depth within the River is to trust that you can ignite my heart at any time and in any place for the choice to come to me is yours. You need not wait upon my coming to you. You need only become quiet within the noise to hear me and to ...

The Choices that Rise From Within

   Child of mine, come and be of the peace within my heart.  Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. The lesson this day is to take to heart your dream of last night where parts were asking to be heard that you may see all the more and more choices before you.  Your world opens up to God when you allow your heart to open you to all choices both from within and without you. To be closed of choices within parts is to see narrow choices and a narrow vision of God. Your dream of last night showed you the possible choices within yourself that you were not aware of.  Your dream showed you the way of witnessing to all parts that at first glance may have seemed to be closed off to each other. In your dream, in the one inch, you chose to be of silence within the noise where witnessing brought you to a deeper level into the River of the I Am for you were witnessing to the workings of your own heart and soul. I...

Silence Within the Noise

Child, you can come to me at this Tabernacle with no matter the time or day or space for I am here even within the noise. Let go in this noisy space and seek only my heart for it is within my heart that you hear me. Take note of how your breath deepens as you turn to me within this noisy space. Take note of your hands that move without the noise for I take away the noise and move you deeper into the River of the I Am where noise is drowned out by peace, quiet and joy.  Take note that the outside world bows down to the River of the I Am for the outside world cannot be here within the beautiful silence of this holy space. Take note of how this inch and moment is like no other for it is of you and me where I nurture you and where the noise is transformed into the sweet music of the River of the I Am. Take note of how, within this silence, the sounds of the noise may be witnessed to from within these depths without it overtaking you and without disrupting what we have.  Take note...

Love and Joy is in the Giving and Receiving

 Child, come and let go with the sacred breath of letting go where you breathe out the noise and take in my heart as we move deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come, and take note of how all is slowed down at this Tabernacle where you hear and taste the love that is here for you. My child, worry not of the ways of your heart for you are mine and have learned to let go each day that you may be filled to overflowing. When you are filled we shall walk into the world to give what you have received.   As this day rises up and you attend to your soul, know that you are being prepared all the more and more to become less and less of the noise. To be here is of great joy for us for we are mother and child. I fill you with my love and you take in the joy that is of my heart.  Love and joy, Janine, is in the giving and receiving.  When you are empty I fill. When I fill, I fill with great joy and love and I too am filled for to give to you is to re...

The Way of Wearing Sheep's clothing

 Child, come and allow yourself to let go of all. Place your hands on this Tabernacle and know you are of the River of the I Am where you grow and expand with each new day.  Know that I fill you with no matter the ways of the noise for I am your mother who awaits you always and leaves you never. I witness to you as does my Son. I come to show you the ways of the sacred witness for to be witnessed to with no judgments or harm is to grow and expand that you may walk as the sacred witness as well.  The lesson this day is to be awake to the noise that asks you to wear sheep's clothing. Your dream came to show you the meaning of wearing sheep's clothing.  To wear sheep's clothing it to take on that which belongs to someone else, namely the noise and not of your deepest self.  Wearing sheep's clothing is to clothe yourself with the noise rather than be naked of heart and soul. When you clothe yourself with the noise rather than the Holy Spirit you are not of God's wor...