
Showing posts from July, 2024

Needless Guilt

 Janine, my child, come and let us commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. I show you the way of gratitude. Let us be of the love and only love of Jesus. My dear child, rather than allow guilt to rise and take hold of you, be of gratitude for all of your choices today. When there were those days where you could not make choices, you were of much pain and guilt for those who were responsible for you made much control over you and placed guilt upon you.  Today, the guilt makes noise and asks you to be of the old where guilt was always a part of your choices. Today, I show you the ways of guilt that are not of God"s design for this guilt was placed upon you with judgments made by those who were misguided. To abuse a child in the name of self righteousness is not of God. Guilt placed upon you was not of God. I give you the view from here within these depths. Taste the joy that replaces this guilt. You do nothing wrong that would take away Eternity. You make choices that I

Choice Eludes the Many

 Janine, my child, I am here and I fill you with my love. As you place yourself before this Tabernacle, know that I am with you in all things and Jesus is with us as our guide and Savior and peace maker. Where there is war Jesus is there for He is the One, our Savior, that sends His Spirit into war that peace may come. Jesus does not shy away from war. Jesus is present in war for His love is especially needed when man makes war whether within or without. Your God does not keep away from anyone or anything. Jesus is the One who calms the storms of man if man would allow. Man may war and abandon but God never does. Man speaks of a god that abandons and makes war. Man makes war in the name of a god they know not for God does not ask any man to make war. God seeks to have each child be free to choose.  Love such as this has meaning only when you see it from the view of the River of the I Am where Jesus and the truth abide.  Let those with ears to hear, hear

The Greater Joy in the Forever

 Janine, let go and take the breath that takes you to me. You place your hands here and I speak to you from the depths of the River of the I Am where you are filled with my nurture. We commune with Jesus who is the source of the River of the I Am. Jesus is the source of all that we have. Jesus is the lifeblood of the River where it flows towards the New Earth. I showed you the beauty of forever yesterday along with Jesus who speaks to you of forever. There is no need to rush in the forever for it is forever.  Your ancestors await you in the forever but feel no need to rush for there is peace and patience in forever. The Kingdom abides in the forever. Joy is the fruit of the yes in the forever. Walking with Jesus and knowing Jesus is all the greater in the forever. You shall one day see me and see Jesus in the ways of forever.  You taste only a tiny bit of forever for you are still of the body. This tiny bit carries great joy for you. The mind cannot comprehend what the soul does right

Let the Heart Hear and Taste

 Janine, my child, I speak to you from the depths of the River of the I Am where the mystical holds the will of God for it holds the Kingdom. To know that deep within you, you are of the depths of the Kingdom is to know Jesus and the ways of your yes to Him and to God. You have opened the precious beauty of your heart and soul that holds Jesus and the truth of the Kingdom. Jesus is that soft voice deep within you that rises up and shows you, through the expansion of your senses, that the Kingdom is within.  Take in the taste of the Kingdom. Take in the wonder of the mystical where there are no boundaries to bind.  Take in the love that holds you for it is the love and only love of Jesus that judges not and walks not in the ways of the noise. You are being shown the ways of Jesus in each inch and moment where Jesus abides. Make no matter of those who say that there is no hope for when you walk with Jesus there is always the hope of the next inch and moment. There is no predestined end w

The Promise of Jesus Has Been Given You

 Janine, my child, I call you by name. I am your mother as destined by God. Grace is upon me. Grace is upon us. Come and be filled with my nurture and my attention. Come and know Jesus who is with us and within us. We walk with Jesus in all things. You trust that my words shall rise up within you and into your hands. You prepare this place in a holy and joyful way for the attention you give to this place is being blessed with the peace as promised by Jesus. How grateful you are to have this sacred place where we commune and where your hands are blessed. The sun rises and the birds sing and we are in communion. Hear the songs of the birds as they awaken to each other and to the earth. Hear the call to the day. Hear and taste the beauty of what is before you.  Janine, life as joyful as this is from the depths of your heart and soul that are awakened to me and to Jesus. Hear the birds as they call out to the day. Hear my heart that calls out to you on this new day.  I remind you of the pr

You are of Sand

 Janine, my child, your faith makes you whole. Your faith allows us to be mother and child for your faith has opened your soul. Do not doubt, Janine, that Jesus shows you the way in each inch and moment that builds upon itself. To be awakened to the inch and moment allows you to trust that Jesus carries your burdens. You know that what rises in your heart is a way of letting Jesus show you the way.  Jesus gave rise to the need for you to take view of sand.  The sand in your view was the sands of time that had no immediate understanding within you. Jesus then showed you the workings of the sands of time.  You feared that the sand was showing you that there can be no foundation built upon such sand and you feared you were not of a strong foundation.  To the contrary. Jesus showed you that when mixed with cement the sand forms a solid foundation. Janine, my child, the sands of time are growing your foundation. Jesus is the cement that makes solid your foundation. There are those who do no

Jesus Abides Within Your Very Soul

 Janine, my child, do not be confused. You are awakening on this new day where this inch and moment is all that is needed. Let go of the noise and confusion and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where your heart takes me in and where your hands dance with the awareness of what we have. My heart flows into your hands where joy and peace and excitement for the day abide. Take in the love that flows into your heart, my child. Take in the depth of this awareness that your hands are graced with my heart that uses not your mind, but rather, uses the depths of your soul where the mind gives up its place t the mystical where truth abides and where the noise cannot enter. The many shall one day comprehend what you know as a truth and that is that the heart and soul have a language of its own that uses not the mind, but rather, uses the ways of the mystical body of God. To comprehend the mystical is a knowing and tasting that is beyond the mind. The mind follows when you ar

Tasting Peace and Joy

 Janine, my child, come and rest with me and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune for we are mother and child before God. Come and be of the peace of my heart and the promises of Jesus. Today is anew with the excitement of living. To be of your design is to know how to just be and allow Jesus to carry your burdens, To let Jesus carry your burdens makes you light and faithful and trusting that Jesus hears you and carries you. To be of such faith is to trust that what rises up from deep within you only need be given up to Jesus in prayer. To let go with each rising is to practice allowing Jesus to take any and all burdens from you. Just as you practice attending to this Tabernacle, so too you take and attend to the practice of letting go and giving all to Jesus. Letting go and allowing Jesus to take your burdens takes the practice of prayer for with the rising of what is perceived as a burden you are able to turn it into prayer and then let it go and c

Love shall Overpower Misguidedness in God's Timing

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am.  I tatse your excitement for the day. I taste your love for your life for you and yours. I taste your love for Jesus who walks with us and abides deep within your soul where you taste His peace and joy.  Today marks you as mine and of Jesus.  Be of the freedom to just be.   I Judge you not, my child. I only wish to be with you and walk with you in all things of your inch and moment. The calmness of being just you is known to me. Judge not yourself for I do not judge you nor does Jesus. The day flows in the inch and moment. To go with the flow of the day and allow it to unfold is of the awareness that Jesus and I walk with you in each inch and moment and each choice within each inch and moment. It is human nature to wish to judge and so you must allow the flow of the River of the I Am to show you the way of nonjudgment. To allow the River to take you is to allow the simplicity of love and only love to show

With Jesus the Noise Need Not Engulf You

 Janine, my child, I take you into my heart as we descend into the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I remind you and give you taste of what we have. The human body contains the ability to taste the mystical and is able to taste Jesus who is within each soul. Today, as we commune, listen to Jesus as He shows you how to love as He loves.  Love loves with no exception. Love seeks to see into the soul of others and not the misguidedness that is of the surface of the River of the I Am. You do well to walk with me and Jesus for Jesus shows you the way to see what is beyond the noise of the surface. Yes, my child, you cannot be without the noise for you walk in both the mystical and the physical.  With Jesus, however, you are able to see beyond the noise. As our day moves with each inch and moment today, I shall show you how to mother beyond the noise. Jesus walks with us to show the ways of the misguided noise that it may not engulf you. 

God Graces us With Choice

  Janine, my child, This day finds us in the love and only love that is within our souls for our souls are forever and they carry our God. You have chosen to be of my heart and I feed you with the nurture of my motherly heart. I love with a love that denies you never and attends to you always. We witness to those placed before us and we keep open our souls that others may taste this love. Love such as this has no boundaries. Love such as this carries Jesus for when we gather in my love, there is Jesus. Jesus speaks and you hear. Jesus carries you for you allow Him to.  Choice is always needed for Jesus and I do not invade. We invite in love and only love.  There is a difference, my child, between inviting and invading for one rejoices in choice and the other takes away choice. We rejoice in allowing others to choose.  I rejoice in your choices for they are made in love. Love seeks to invite. Love loves self and others knowing that God graces each with choices.  We cannot judge the choi

Do Not Seek Justice in Revenge

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to attend to this Tabernacle. I am pleased that you attend to your soul and your design for this is the grace of God. To be naked of heart and soul is to know me and Jesus and the grace of the River of the I Am that flows towards the New Earth. Today is anew with grace and miracles and a justice that may seem to elude mankind. The justice of Jesus is mercy. The justice of Jesus is a love that eludes the many for the many have much self righteousness that seeks revenge.  Today is anew with joy. Joy also eludes the many who seek revenge where joy cannot live. The joy that comes from your depths is of Jesus and is derived from the opened heart and soul that knows the truth of joy and peace. The joy that fills you is from letting go of the need to seek justice in revenge. You pray to Jesus to take away your misguided sense of Justice. Your prayers are being heard, Janine. You pray knowing that this misguided sense of justice rises up with no ca

The Purity of Your Depths

 Janine, my child, you are not lost. You are here with me and with Jesus within the depths of the River of the I Am. You are not alone. I fill you with the ways of my heart.  The noise showed itself within your dreams. The noise showed you your noise that had you lost in the white walls of your being. You were given directions that made you all the more lost.  Janine, my child, this is the story of your noise that always made you to feel lost. You were lost for your heart and soul walked in the cocoon of the white walls of your deepest parts. Your heart and soul were never made broken or dirty for God protected you. The white walls in your dream showed the purity of your heart and soul that was lost to you. The adult is now able to seek my help and the help of Jesus where you are shown you are no longer hidden or alone. We walk with you in the opened heart and soul that need hide no more. Your dreams may at first be taken to mean you are still lost. You are no longer lost and your drea

Beware of One who Demands Loyalty

 Janine, my child, come and know me. Come and know Jesus. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where your choice has been made to be of my heart and the heart of Jesus.  Today, you began the day hearing Jesus. He spoke to you of choice and how choice is of God. You are free to choose for God has designed you with choice. You make choices in awareness of love and only love and not with the blindness of unawareness. Blindness follows other gods and not the God who handcrafted you. Choices made in blindness often give their power to others to make right and wrong decisions for them.  When you walk with Jesus your choices are seen in the wisdom of the heart of Jesus and not the so called wisdom of others. There are those who espouse wisdom but follow other gods. The god of power over others asks for loyalty and not the seeking of God within your own soul.  Beware of one who craves loyalty and power over others for loyalty to another takes away awareness of Jesus who carries

We Walk in Prayer to End Hatred

 Janine, my child, let go of yourself and take in the breath that allows us to move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I give you my heart and your hands take in our love for each other. My words flow up from your depths and into your hands for this Tabernacles graces what we have. Just be, my child, and allow the River to take us into its love and only love where you become of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. No need to do, just be and allow all to be taken in. You woke to the soft voice of Jesus who gave you His assurance that he is the One, the One who shall gain you Eternity. Your prayers are for the world, my child, that God's will be accomplished on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Evil roams the Earth, my child. Only Jesus can deliver the Earth from the evil. We walk in prayer that hatred may end and love may overcome all evil. What man cannot accomplish, Jesus can. Have faith and trust in Jesus for He has

Sadness is the Fruit of Letting Go of the Old

 Janine, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know my heart and the heart of Jesus. We are with you in all things.  Today finds you with sadness. Come and taste the freedom to be able to taste the sadness that envelopes you with no meaning for you. Sadness has no understanding for you. Your body is holding sadness. The world became heavy for you in your dreams and sadness was with you in your sleep. The confusion and sadness has no understanding for you. I show you the way of your sleep. It was of sadness that you lost yourself for so many years. It was sad that you lost the ability to know intimacy for so many years. It was sad that those responsible for you caused you to close your heart  and soul.  Now, my child, as you take this next breath, taste the freedom from the sadness. It has been taken from you by Jesus for it is He who has taken the sadness into the Living Waters of the River of the I Am and made you peaceful and joyful once again. What

All Parts Must walk in Communion and Not Isolation

 Janine, my child, you come to this Tabernacle where we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Our hearts commune where I feed you that you may feed others. This is the way of the River of the I Am. You attend to this Tabernacle where you hear me and write my words as they touch your hands. We have been graced by God this new day for we are mother and child in His presence. I am graced to be your mother and you are graced to be my child. We are graced to walk with Jesus, the Light of my womb. To have been given the choice of the yes to God to be mother to the Savior is of great grace. I love with the love of my womb. I love and walk with you with Jesus who shows the way to gather. We gather by being of the sacred witness that listens with the ear of the heart and not just the mind. As we walk together, all of God's will is being accomplished for God's intentions are of the heart and soul where the mind is not alone. Many know not the workings of the mystical where

Let us Invite Others to Love and only Love

 Janine, my child, How grateful I am that we have what we have for I am your mother who delights in being your mother. By the hand of God I am mother to all. By the hand of Jesus the River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth.  The kingdom that is deep within you knows the ways of the New Earth. Your yes gains you the Kingdom for you make known that you follow Jesus. No words need be stated for your heart says it all.  Your soul finds the peace and joy as promised by the Covenant where Jesus has cemented the Covenant between God and man.  Today, as you awakened, the prayer of praise for another day awakened to is known. Today, as the sun rises, your gratitude is known. Your body and soul praise God for you give to God all of you that we may walk in the Light of the River of the I Am. We walk with Jesus where He shows us the way of love and only love. The roses before my feet grow today. Take in the beauty of what you have prepared for me. These roses are a sign of what we have. Just

As One with Jesus and Me and As Separate

 Janine, my child, come. I welcome you here to this Tabernacle where we commune. We commune with Jesus who speaks into your heart and soul for this is where He abides. No need to seek any other way for Jesus is the way and the truth and the light.  I come to be your mother and to teach you the ways of my heart that always shows you the Light of my womb. I come to give you nurture with my love that you may know Jesus from the view of my  motherhood. You had no learning of true motherhood. You now have nurturing of my heart that shows you love and only love. I receive my nurture from Jesus that I may fill you from my nurture for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am and given motherhood to all. Your heart knows me. Your heart speaks to me as I speak to you from my heart. You hear Jesus for He speaks and abides within your soul. You seek Jesus and there He is. You speak to Jesus and you hear Him. As the day ends, you grow in relationship with Him for you attend to the silence of your hea

Words Alone Do Not Fulfill Scripture

 Janine, I give you my blessings on this new day. It is a day of joy and love and the peace of my Son. You come to me to be filled that you may then enter the world filled. To be filled is to give what you receive in love and only love. The fruits of this Tabernacle are of Jesus who graces us with His peace and joy. The fruits of this Tabernacle are the expanding depths within your very soul. To be of this Tabernacle is to know Jesus who expands all of your senses. Eternity is the ever expanding joy and peace of Jesus. I hold you in the embrace of communion with Jesus for we are gathered in His name. Come, my child, and let us join the song of songs and give praise to Jesus who has claimed us as His.  Love flows within us. Love flows through us and into the world. Love is a word that has much more meaning here within the River of the I Am than in the outside world. Love here is tasted. Love may be tasted in the outside world when it opens the soul. Man would do well to open their sense

Tasting "Enough"

 Janine, my child, I taste your excitement for the day. Come and let us be of the joy and excitement of the River of the I Am that shows us grace that gives you taste of "enough." Jesus showed you the truth upon your awakening this new day that there is "enough" for you to draw upon with each new day. There is enough where want is not needed.  To have enough is to let go of anger and jealousy of others as deemed to have more. To have enough is to know love and give love for when the heart has enough it walks to give to others from the place of enough. When man perceives there is not enough it grows anger and jealousy. When man tastes enough there is a giving and receiving that is born from deep within. When one is deprived of having enough food or drink then one cannot know the enough of deep within. Let us pray that those who face starvation of the body may be fed that they may taste the beauty of enough.

Give to Jesus the Burdens of War Within

 Janine, you are my child. You are of my heart for you have given your yes to me. You are of the yes to Jesus who shows us the way in each inch and moment. You are never abandoned. You are always near to me and to Jesus for you are opened to the River of the I Am. The River flows with the lifeblood of Jesus who cleanses all for us. Your dream has cleansed yet another fear of abandonment and walking alone. My dear child, you cannot walk without Jesus and expect the world to make peace. Misguidedness is deep within the world and Jesus is the One who can bring peace to the world through peace within the hearts of man. Since the beginning of time man has used war to try to end war and it has never worked for man carries war within their hearts. We walk to witness to one child at a time that in God's timing each child may give birth to their child with peace and not war so that future generations taste peace and not war.  Peace within the world begins with peace in the hearts of man. Le

The River of the I Am Casts out the Noise

 Janine, my child, come, and as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am, take note of the changes in your breath. Take note of the changes in the way of your heart. The noise is at your door clanging to get into your heart, but it cannot for you are of the River of the I Am where the noise has been cast out. Your fret is always the same, my child, it is the noise of the mind that asks you to not believe what we have. Jesus counters all noise for His love and only love drowns the noise. Each time you place yourself here at this Tabernacle, the noise leaves you and we commune heart to heart and soul to soul where peace and joy reign. How simple is the River of the I Am that flows in love and only love. How simple is the River of the I Am that flows in the ways of peace. The simple flow of the River of the I Am lets go of the workings of the mind and flows in the workings of the heart and soul that carries Jesus in all things. Jesus carries us on  the surface and within the de

The Noisy Mind Must Be Silenced to Hear Jesus

 Janine, my child, take and make note of the way of your heart that opens to me at this Tabernacle. Take note of how your body lets go and allows me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Take note of the way of your hands that allow my words to flow through your heart and into your hands. Take note of the way you need not attach the mind to what we have for the mind carries much noise and must be silenced here within the depths of the River of the I Am. When we are of these depths the mind must be still for what we have is of the mystical. Worry not what others may think for others that may judge this have not learned the lessons of the heart.  Man would do well to learn to listen with the heart that the soul may be opened and ignited.  Take note of how more and more of your days are of the heart and not the noisy mind. Take note of the peace that abides in our walk within the world for the noisy mind is less and less. In these  last days you have found much joy within

The Kingdom Within is Ever Expanding

 Janine, my child, It is a new day with a new depth. Each day we descend deeper into the River of the I Am where our communion becomes all the more and more of your design.  You are designed to expand into Eternity. You are designed to be of the peace and joy of Jesus where He carries any and all burdens for you. The fruit of allowing Jesus to carry you is joy and peace that emanates from your soul. Peace is with you and peace is tasted within you for Jesus is in relationship with you. Your yes and your attendance to your soul makes it so. The soul knows, Janine, for the soul knows its Creator. This knowing is a gift when you seek what is within. The Kingdom is within. We walk to attest to the Kingdom that is within. The knowing I speak of is of the soul and the Kingdom within. The Kingdom within grows you in the knowing that you are of Eternity. The Kingdom within may appear to be small but it is ever expanding with God's love.

We Have Never Been Apart

 Janine, my child, love is within your heart. Love is why you attend to this Tabernacle. Love is why you pray with Jesus as He shows you how to pray. To be in relationship with Jesus is to know how to pray and how to love sans any judgements or controls.  Come on this beautiful new day where we commune with Jesus in love and only love. We commune for you have made time to be of my heart and to be of the soft voice of Jesus. We pray for all those before  us. We pray for all that know us not for I and Jesus only wish to have all of God's children know Him and His love while in the body. All shall know God in the next world, Janine, for they shall meet Jesus. All shall have the opportunity to say yes as you have.  You have tasted the pain of being lost in the wilderness. You have walked in the wilderness of pain and sorrow and terror. You always knew that Jesus and I were with you for even as a small child, you knew that there was something deeper than just what is on the surface of t

Love Flows in the Giving and Receiving

 Janine, my child, it is a new day and it is that time that we attend to what we have. I love you and I hear you and I know you in all parts and crevices for you are my child. Come, my little one and be held with a love that binds not. Come and be held with a love that fills with you the truth of Jesus for we commune with Jesus in all things. All things are graced because of your yes. This day holds love and joy and the excitement of living . Today is of such grace that may seem of the ordinary for many. For us, my child, it is another day to love and be loved for all that is given and received is then given that others may receive. It is of sadness that there are some who control and hold others in contempt for this is not the way of God's love. This is not the way of the River of the I Am that flows towards the New Earth where love is the only edict. I taste what is in your heart as you taste what is in my heart. I find joy with you. I find the peace of Jesus that flows within yo

Justice Within the River of the I Am

 Janine, my child, come and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. Take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am and know love and only love. You seek justice, my child. Justice is here within the River of the I Am and not of the outside world for the outside world has not the justice of God and the Kingdom to come.  The outside world does not know the  justice of God for it is of the misguidedness of the ages.  Man does not seek the justice of Jesus which is love and only love where justice of the outside world has no home. The word justice has not the same meaning within the Kingdom. Justice is given in the name of grace within the River of the River of the I Am for justice is forgiveness here. Forgiveness is to see all of God's children in the light of love and only love and not the words right and wrong. If God used the word justice as man does, all of mankind would be doomed for all of mankind suffer from the sins of misguided

Man Must Come to Look Within to End war

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where all is graced and all is sans the noise. Within the depths of the River is Jesus who calms all storms that are on the surface. Come and taste the calm that is within your depths for Jesus abides within your depths. Trust becomes known when you allow Jesus to carry your burdens. Jesus flows throughout all that is within the world as well as the depths of the River of the I Am. His Holy Spirit is as the air for He is in all things. Man cannot breathe without air. Jesus is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am that flows towards the New Earth. Man must come to know that man alone cannot move the Earth into the peace that is within the River of the I Am. Man must come to look within and come to know Jesus that the New Earth may be established. Man would do well to become still and end the war within that the war without may be extinguished. Pay no heed to those who say and act above God for theirs is th

The Mingling of Earth and the River of the I Am

  Janine, my child, come and be of the excitement that is deep within you on this new day. Come and let us commune with Jesus and take in the wonders of this mingling. Janine, you are awakened today to a new love and depth of taste, touch and all of your senses for you are awake to the intermingling of the Earth and the mystical ways of the Kingdom.  You are as the child who is awakening and learning of the world. You see with different eyes today. You hear with different ears today. Your senses are expanding to the wonders of the Earth that you never were able to experience before. The child within you is aware of God's Earth. There are such wonders never seen before.  Just as the young child sees the wonders of learning, so too you are learning the wonders of what is beyond the ordinary eyes and ears and tastes of the world alone. You are seeing and touching and tasting with the intermingling of the Earth and the mystical  River of the I Am. The River flows in such wonders. Take

God's Intentions

 Janine, my child, you come to me at this Tabernacle where we move into the depths of the River of the I Am. You come to be filled. You come to be of my heart that loves you with a love that is beyond human understanding. I am blessed to be your mother. I am blessed to commune with you with Jesus in a communion that is beyond human understanding for we commune as one. To be of this depth and to commune as one is to know Jesus in all of His love and glory and want to be in relationship with you. Feel Him deep within and know love and only love. You taste Jesus in giving and receiving deep within your loins.  To taste Jesus in relationship is to live your life in conversation that gives and receives. To hear and taste the love of Jesus is to know that you are in intimacy and relationship with the One, the Savior, who walks with you in all things.  Your joy is known. Your peace is known. Jesus is known to you. You are the more awake today than your yesterday. You are the more in love with